When I use this query to get android data(profileID) it works fine for fetch.by="week" parameter.
but I get an error while using fetch.by="day"
"Error in vapply(x, function(x) as.numeric(x[[name]]), numeric(1)) :
values must be length 1,
but FUN(X[[1]]) result is length 0"
I get the same error while retrieving iOS data or Website data.
A similar error is encountered if I use more than 150 filters in OR condition at a time.
If this error means I should try to get fewer data why does it work well for android but not for iOS, (given the android data is much more than iOS data.)
When I use this query to get android data(profileID) it works fine for fetch.by="week" parameter. but I get an error while using fetch.by="day"
"Error in vapply(x, function(x) as.numeric(x[[name]]), numeric(1)) : values must be length 1, but FUN(X[[1]]) result is length 0"
I get the same error while retrieving iOS data or Website data. A similar error is encountered if I use more than 150 filters in OR condition at a time.
If this error means I should try to get fewer data why does it work well for android but not for iOS, (given the android data is much more than iOS data.)
dimension1 <- "ga:productSku==17186,ga:productSku==16381"
(but 150 such productIDs)
This works fine
app_city_android <- get_ga(profileId = "ga:**(ID_for_Android)", start.date = start_date_char, end.date = end_date_char, metrics = "ga:users", dimensions = "ga:sourceMedium,ga:dimension1", sort = NULL, filters = propertyID1, segment = NULL, samplingLevel ="HIGHER_PRECISION", start.index = NULL, max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "week", token = ga_token)
This gives an error
This too gives that error
app_city_android <- get_ga(profileId = "ga:**(ID_for_Android)", start.date = start_date_char, end.date = end_date_char, metrics = "ga:users", dimensions = "ga:sourceMedium,ga:dimension1", sort = NULL, filters = propertyID1, segment = NULL, samplingLevel ="HIGHER_PRECISION", start.index = NULL, max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "day", token = ga_token)
Originally posted by @Ashwin611 in https://github.com/artemklevtsov/RGA/issues/27#issuecomment-433917357