Open Meshz opened 6 years ago
I have the same problem when I call a notification with the backdrop enabled, the following notification calls also work with the backdrop enabled, ignoring the configuration settings. Does not help even a forced call to vm.$snotify.setDefaults(config: SnotifyDefaults)
As I had many problems with this bug, I tweaked your package by adding an initTime to each toast (timestamp divided by 100 and rounded for precision purposes): this.toast.initTime = Math.round(+new Date()/100)
in initToast method. Then in stateChanged method, I loop through each toast and group them by initTime. So when 2 toasts are launched at the same time, they are seen as one.
For some reason I had to change the template to (_vm.backdrop > 0)
instead of (_vm.backdrop >= 0)
because the line setTimeout(function () { return _this.$snotify.remove(, true); }, _this.toast.config.animation.time / 2)
in onRemove method seems to recreate a backdrop with 0 opacity.
HTH you finding a way to fix this. Thank you again!
I am having a similar issue with the backdrop not being removed.
I found this in the JS file: // TODO: fix backdrop if more than one toast called in a row
Any news on when this will be fixed? Does anyone know a work around, at the moment the backdrop dosesnt get removed which then prevents users being able to access the form behind the backdrop
Basically, my fix is explained in my previous post. But here is what I did for now in vue-snotify.esm.js
(kinda ugly but it works). HTH!
// --- Line 323
initToast: function () {
this.toast.initTime = Math.round(+new Date()/100); // Added initTime
if (this.toast.config.timeout > 0) {
// --- Line 634
stateChanged: function (event) {
let toastShown = []
if (!this.withBackdrop.length) {
} else {
// --- Group toasts by initTime
for (let i=0; i<this.withBackdrop.length; i++) {
if(toastShown.indexOf(this.withBackdrop[i].initTime) == -1){
switch (event) {
case 'mounted':
if (this.backdrop < 0) {
this.backdrop = 0;
case 'beforeShow':
this.backdrop = this.withBackdrop[this.withBackdrop.length - 1].config.backdrop;
case 'beforeHide':
// --- Use groups to determine if one or more toasts shown
if (toastShown.length === 1) {
this.backdrop = 0;
case 'hidden':
// --- Same as beforeHide
if (toastShown.length === 1) {
this.backdrop = -1;
// --- Line 695
// --- Changed condition _vm.backdrop >= 0 to _vm.backdrop > 0 because backdrop is recreated with 0 opacity by second timeout in onRemove (line 400)
var __vue_render__$3 = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('div',[(_vm.backdrop > 0)?_c('div',{staticClass:"snotify-backdrop",style:({opacity: _vm.backdrop})}):_vm._e(),_vm._v(" "),_vm._l((_vm.notifications),function(position,index){return _c('div',{staticClass:"snotify",class:'snotify-' + index},_vm._l((_vm.notifications[index].slice(_vm.blockSize_a, _vm.blockSize_b)),function(toast){return _c('toast',{,attrs:{"toastData":toast},on:{"stateChanged":_vm.stateChanged}})}))})],2)};
Thank you, will have a look at trying this.
Its better than my work around :)
Basically, my fix is explained in my previous post. But here is what I did for now in
(kinda ugly but it works). HTH!// --- Line 323 initToast: function () { this.toast.initTime = Math.round(+new Date()/100); // Added initTime if (this.toast.config.timeout > 0) { this.startTimeout(0); } }
// --- Line 634 stateChanged: function (event) { let toastShown = [] if (!this.withBackdrop.length) { return; } else { // --- Group toasts by initTime for (let i=0; i<this.withBackdrop.length; i++) { if(toastShown.indexOf(this.withBackdrop[i].initTime) == -1){ toastShown.push(this.withBackdrop[i].initTime); } } } switch (event) { case 'mounted': if (this.backdrop < 0) { this.backdrop = 0; } break; case 'beforeShow': this.backdrop = this.withBackdrop[this.withBackdrop.length - 1].config.backdrop; break; case 'beforeHide': // --- Use groups to determine if one or more toasts shown if (toastShown.length === 1) { this.backdrop = 0; } break; case 'hidden': // --- Same as beforeHide if (toastShown.length === 1) { this.backdrop = -1; } break; } } }
// --- Line 695 // --- Changed condition _vm.backdrop >= 0 to _vm.backdrop > 0 because backdrop is recreated with 0 opacity by second timeout in onRemove (line 400) var __vue_render__$3 = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('div',[(_vm.backdrop > 0)?_c('div',{staticClass:"snotify-backdrop",style:({opacity: _vm.backdrop})}):_vm._e(),_vm._v(" "),_vm._l((_vm.notifications),function(position,index){return _c('div',{staticClass:"snotify",class:'snotify-' + index},_vm._l((_vm.notifications[index].slice(_vm.blockSize_a, _vm.blockSize_b)),function(toast){return _c('toast',{,attrs:{"toastData":toast},on:{"stateChanged":_vm.stateChanged}})}))})],2)};
Why you don't create that PR ? This is one of the solution
First of all, thank you for this package. I noticed that when you programatically call 2 notifications with the same timeout, the backdrop is not removed. Do you have any solution for this problem?
Thank you!