arteyazilim / rowsorter

Drag & drop table row sorter pluging with touch support for Vanilla JS and jQuery.
MIT License
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Multiple rows #5

Open glnn15g21 opened 8 years ago

glnn15g21 commented 8 years ago

Is there any way that this can support multiple rows? For example, I have 3 rows with same class.

biggestdickus commented 8 years ago

Don't know how GitHub works (don't really care) so I'll post an issue here. Version as of Nov 30 2015. The mouse down event on handler is somehow captured so no underlying element is getting the bubble event calls. Worked it older version.

e.g. Click the rowSorter handler, the bubble stops. If you have a on('mousedown') function on the table row, you are screwed. mouse move and mouse up work.

Should also have enable/disable option for entire plugin. I have problems when the handler is doing other things with other plugs-ins. e.g. My Slider plugin also user the Handler to slide the handler left and right. (think of the flash UI or recording tracks).

biggestdickus commented 8 years ago

Update: I had to change table selector to document to get it working: line 45 change to: document.on(downEvent, settings.handler, downFunc); line 190 added:, upFunc);

Emyleen commented 8 years ago


I would also like to know if it is possible to move multiple lines at the same time? For example if they have the same class or a specific jquery selector.

Thank you beforehand!