artflutter / flutter_awesome_select

Forked from, updated legacy code, migrated to null safety and more. AwesomeSelect allows you to easily convert your usual form select or dropdown into dynamic page, popup dialog, or sliding bottom sheet with various choices input such as radio, checkbox, switch, chips, or even custom input. Supports single and multiple choice.
MIT License
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Filter section needs approvement :( #12

Open Bockos opened 2 years ago

Bockos commented 2 years ago


I wonder if some development possible in ModalFilter section. Currently when u press modal filter (search icon) you can type words and it finds the related items. When you make multiple selection the only icon "Cross" icon appears in right top which everybody assume that it is cancel operation. (pic1)

What a need is, there should be a new "tick" icon left to "cross" icon, just like we have in previous page by setting modalConfirm = true (pic2). When you press the new tick button in filter page, it should go forward to tile page which is pic3. It is important that it should redirect to pic3. Because if it keep standing in pic2, u cant understand what u selected or not. The selected item may be in below of the view. When you dont see, you believe u didint choose item. Proper way redirect to tile page.

I come across many user behaviour cant handle with filter section. Could you please make an approvment in there?

PİC1 pic1

PİC2 pic2

PİC3 pic3


vasilich6107 commented 2 years ago

Hi I'm mostly trying to maintain the bugs for this and do not extend functionality a lot. If you have time you can make PR.