artginzburg / MiddleClick-Sonoma

 "Wheel click" with three-finger click/tap for Trackpad and Magic Mouse.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.47k stars 85 forks source link

MacOS 12.5 says this is malware and won't run it #44

Closed rooneyp closed 1 year ago

arndff commented 1 year ago

I'm having the same problem. What I tried is:

However, that didn't help me either -- when I tried to open the app, it says "The application 'MiddleClick' can't be opened."

Tried to delete it & install it with brew (the preferred way, described in repo's README) -- no success again.

Please, help us fix this somehow, as I can't live without this app, literally...

ElectricS01 commented 1 year ago

This is also happening on the MacOS Ventura Public Beta 4

Gumija commented 1 year ago

Does not work for me either. Is this because of a malware db update or something system specific? Can someone confirm it not working on a macOS version before 12.5?

lawand commented 1 year ago

I tried the usual way to override but it didn't work: Right-click the application, select “Get Info”, and check the “Override Malware Protection” box

benonymus commented 1 year ago

Same issue on macOS 12.5.1

jasonycw commented 1 year ago

It was working on 12.5.1 last week, but this week after I restart the Mac, it cannot be started. Tried Override malware protection

yusufkinatas commented 1 year ago

Same here, my productivity decreased %50 after MacOS update because of this :( (MacOS 12.5) I decided to try to solve this on my own, or code mine if this does not get resolved in 1week

arndff commented 1 year ago

Does not work for me either. Is this because of a malware db update or something system specific? Can someone confirm it not working on a macOS version before 12.5?

@Gumija I updated to 12.5.1 almost instantly; the app was working fine till yesterday...

Avivhdr commented 1 year ago


Marius30 commented 1 year ago


ChHecker commented 1 year ago

When I dig into the contents of the app, try to manually run the executable and then click the question mark on the warning message, the help message says

The app’s authorization has been revoked

So has the certificate expired?

sky-andremartins commented 1 year ago


IhorDeyneha commented 1 year ago

I also have the same problem. I couldn’t live without MiddleClick.

nathansalaun-sofia commented 1 year ago

I know it's not possible for everyone but cloning the repo + building the app to run locally worked fine for me.

davystrong commented 1 year ago

I built it myself and it appears to be working. Just had to remove the code signing (obviously). In my case I left it blank since I don't have a Mac developer account.

yusufkinatas commented 1 year ago

It would be a huge step towards increasing everyone's productivity, if someone could release the local built version with working certification on GitHub. So everyone here could easily download & use it instead of spending time building it on their locals. The world would be thankful to such a person. @nathansalaun-sofia @davystrong 😊. Or at least sharing it here 😊

davystrong commented 1 year ago

@yusufkinatas unless someone has an Apple developer account (which I don't), my understanding is that that isn't possible. Apple won't let you install something I built without signing (or with local signing, I guess). Hence why neither of us shared it.

nathansalaun-sofia commented 1 year ago

I agree however I don't have anything setup to publish a signed app

edit: read I don't have an account either

alicangok commented 1 year ago

On my MacOS 12.1, the app seems to start, but doesn't work anymore. And I assume it keeps restarting every few seconds, as the icon disappears and reappears in the menubar.

edit: uninstalled via brew and reinstalled via brew. Now I'm getting this:

I guess the only way will be to get it to work would be to do as @nathansalaun-sofia suggested, but I have no experience with building apps on MacOS (and don't have Xcode installed), and I assume a lot of middleclick users are also in the same boat.

edit2: I tried to build the project from the code, but from my understanding, it seems that a full-blown installation of Xcode necessary to build an app. CommandLineTools (specifically the xcodebuild command) ain't cutting it. Why the hell is a 10+ GB app necessary to simply build an app?

nathansalaun-sofia commented 1 year ago

@alicangok look at the logs in Xcode: the app restarts because it lacks Accessibility permissions. Quit the Xcode version, build it then install it in Applications, then grant it permissions and it will work

Filaipus commented 1 year ago

Having the same issue as everyone. Unfortunately don't have a developer account either or I would love to help.

BJKle commented 1 year ago

what has changed from yesterday to today, that we have this issue and the app isn't trusted anymore? I don't even know how to create an app. Tough luck 👎

davystrong commented 1 year ago

Regarding building from source, it's really not that hard (though I did use the full Xcode installation, so that may be an issue for some). If you are just building for you own use, I don't think you need a developer account, though you may need to sign in with your Apple ID.

If anyone without development experience wants to try, these are the steps (it really is very simple, I'm just adding all details):

PetarLotrean commented 1 year ago

@davystrong worked for me, thanks!

Gumija commented 1 year ago

if @artginzburg is not around we might need to make a new fork and name it MiddleClick-Monterey xD A release there could be the correct place to share the new app file.

I am quite new to mac os development, I've been in and out in the last half year in my free time. But everything I read about code signing is pointing to the direction that if that was the issue we could bypass it by right-click > Open or such. Is this an issue here because of the Accessibility rights? Can that only be accessed by signed code maybe?

Reedbeta commented 1 year ago

Having this problem even on macOS 11.6.8. It started after doing a brew upgrade that updated MiddleClick to 2.5.

s0menickname commented 1 year ago

Have this problem since updating to 12.5.1. Will try to download Xcode and build it myself now

DouglasNewhouse commented 1 year ago

@alicangok look at the logs in Xcode: the app restarts because it lacks Accessibility permissions.

Aha! So it looks like the easiest thing to do in the short term is download the previous version (, drag that to your Applications folder, override the malware check, then manually add MiddleClick's Accessibility permission using the + button. There will already be an entry, but it's for the old version. This works for me anyway, and it's much easier than installing an entire build environment.

alicangok commented 1 year ago

@DouglasNewhouse Does work on M1 machines? The 2.5.0 specifically included M1 fixes.

(For what it's worth, I had been using MiddleClick 2.5.0 without problem on my MacOS 12.1 M1 for months. and it stopped working suddenly today, without any updates to anything)

s0menickname commented 1 year ago

Thanks to @davystrong I managed to build it myself in Xcode.

I can start it and it appears in the tray but it doesn't work (like the wheel click doesn't happen) and every 5 seconds the icon disappears and after a second appears again. I also had to download Xcode which takes 22 GB of space. Too bad, Apple!

M2 MB Air.

davystrong commented 1 year ago

@s0menickname did you remove it from your accessibility settings and re add it? That should fix it. (Yes, Xcode is huge and is also pretty useless)

s0menickname commented 1 year ago

@s0menickname did you remove it from your accessibility settings and re add it? That should fix it.

@davystrong god bless you, that helped!

Reedbeta commented 1 year ago

Confirmed that stepping back to (from Releases page here) and removing/re-adding the accessibility setting fixed it for me. BTW, I'm on an M1 Macbook, and this version has always worked for me (presumably through Rosetta rather than native).

alicangok commented 1 year ago

Confirmed that stepping back to (from Releases page here) and removing/re-adding the accessibility setting fixed it for me. BTW, I'm on an M1 Macbook, and this version has always worked for me (presumably through Rosetta rather than native).

Thank you. This solves the issue (through Rosetta translation, which probably comes at a little computational cost)

DouglasNewhouse commented 1 year ago

Does work on M1 machines? The 2.5.0 specifically included M1 fixes

Yes - at least on my M1 Air.

jasonycw commented 1 year ago

Thanks, can confirm is working on M1 Pro

arndff commented 1 year ago

I also went with installing instead of building locally the latest version.

Works fine (at least for now).

Thank you all! :)

trihutama commented 1 year ago

For people who don't have Xcode , this is without certificate to open this app, go to finder > right click > then Open

crozet-magenta commented 1 year ago

thank you @trihutama it works fine like this

IhorDeyneha commented 1 year ago

@alicangok look at the logs in Xcode: the app restarts because it lacks Accessibility permissions.

Aha! So it looks like the easiest thing to do in the short term is download the previous version (, drag that to your Applications folder, override the malware check, then manually add MiddleClick's Accessibility permission using the + button. There will already be an entry, but it's for the old version. This works for me anyway, and it's much easier than installing an entire build environment.

For me this method is working on MacBook pro (Intel).

Thank you guys! Thank you @DouglasNewhouse

willdashwood commented 1 year ago

For peope who don't have Xcode , this is without certificate to open this app, go to finder > right click > then Open

Thanks @trihutama. I uninstalled via brew first (brew remove middleclick) then removed MiddleClick from Security & Privacy > Accessibility list. Extracted your zip file and copied the app over to Applications folder. Ran:

sudo xattr -r -d /Applications/

Then manually added the app back under Security & Privacy > Accessibility list. Works fine now, cheers!

rdelassus commented 1 year ago

I've tried both the build the solution and the old version solution, and in both cases I have the same issues : The app is killed every 3 seconds and restarts, and I cannot middle click

trihutama commented 1 year ago

I've tried both the build the solution and the old version solution, and in both cases I have the same issues : The app is killed every 3 seconds and restarts, and I cannot middle click

@rdelassus try delete old apps first using AppCleaner, remove old MiddleClick accessibility option , then open app again with right click > Open

sky-andremartins commented 1 year ago

I've tried reinstalling with the previous version ( and on Mac M1 it keeps restarting

artginzburg commented 1 year ago

My understanding is that when I recently signed in to Xcode on a new machine, my old certificate has been revoked (received an email stating this 3 days ago), and a new one was generated, so apps signed prior to that need to be rebuilt.

The fun thing is that it's a development certificate, without notarization. Wonder how much of extra security does that actually bring to users...

Try downloading this: It's simply rebuilt with no changes at all. Another funny thing is that the app size just shrank by almost half a kilobyte.

hiraken0427 commented 1 year ago

GREAT WORK! You have made my work far more efficient. Thank you very much.

SuchSkill commented 1 year ago

@artginzburg Amazing! Would it also be possible to update brew version in a timely manner?

rooneyp commented 1 year ago

Much thanks!

artginzburg commented 1 year ago

Amazing! Would it also be possible to update brew version in a timely manner?


Alex2782 commented 1 year ago

Thank you @artginzburg