artginzburg / barhide

 Hide unwanted icons from your menu bar
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How to Remove useless icon in Menu Bar #1

Open Jerry080801 opened 2 years ago

Jerry080801 commented 2 years ago

MacBook-Pro:~ jerry$ barhide -hV [options] /opt/homebrew/bin/barhide: line 89: [: too many arguments No app with this name

artginzburg commented 2 years ago
barhide utools
ygurin commented 2 years ago

Awesome tool, @artginzburg could you also give me another example I'm running Logitech's G HUB, trying to remove the useless icon cluttering my toolbar. I can open the app using open /Applications/ I've tried:

MacBook-Pro:~ User$ barhide lghub
No app with this name

This is what the processes look like

Jerry080801 commented 2 years ago

barhide utools

Thank you! Extremely utilitarian tool

artginzburg commented 2 years ago

@ygurin for now, try using the app's bundle identifier (e.g. for Logitech G HUB Installer, it's com.logi.ghub.installer). Something like barhide com.logi.ghub

In the future, barhide should be able to work with just a path to the app. Idk how did I not expect that :D

I'll also look into the search algorithm. If open -a lghub works, then barhide lghub should have worked too. Really strange.

Jerry080801 commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to put menubar items in Control Center?

jordikt commented 1 year ago

Hi @artginzburg

If I hide one icon of the menu bar, how can I show it again?


artginzburg commented 1 year ago

Hi @jordikt

Just run the command again with the same arguments

jordikt commented 1 year ago

I suppose I did something wrong. These are the steps I did:

1) I pasted "git clone cd barhide make" directly in Terminal. A popup window said me that I had to install something like "xCode developer tools" (or something similar, I didn't note it).

2) After some minutes of downloading and installing the tools, I pasted again the previous code in terminal. Terminal returrned an error 71 of installation. This is the text from Terminal:

**Last login: Mon May 15 13:19:22 on ttys000 jordi@MacBook-MacBook-Pro-de-Jordi ~ % git clone cd barhide make Cloning into 'barhide'... remote: Enumerating objects: 35, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (15/15), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done. remote: Total 35 (delta 9), reused 9 (delta 5), pack-reused 20 Receiving objects: 100% (35/35), 9.91 KiB | 181.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (14/14), done. install /usr/local/bin/barhide install: /usr/local/bin/barhide: Permission denied make: * [install] Error 71 jordi@MacBook-MacBook-Pro-de-Jordi barhide %

3) After that, Terminal says that barhide doesn't exist as a command:

jordi@MacBook-MacBook-Pro-de-Jordi ~ % barhide zsh: command not found: barhide jordi@MacBook-MacBook-Pro-de-Jordi ~ % barhide

4) If I type cd barhide and after make, it gives the same error 71

**jordi@MacBook-MacBook-Pro-de-Jordi ~ % cd barhide jordi@MacBook-MacBook-Pro-de-Jordi barhide % make install /usr/local/bin/barhide install: /usr/local/bin/barhide: Permission denied make: * [install] Error 71 jordi@MacBook-MacBook-Pro-de-Jordi barhide %

I am an absolute incompetent using Terminal, so... What I did wrong? How can I fix it? Thx in advance!

artginzburg commented 1 year ago

Seems that macOS changed something about the permissions of /usr/local/bin/ in some update, because I also can't install the script like that.

For now, it works fine with sudo make instead of make.

I'd also recommend to just use Homebrew (, because it works without sudo

P.S. Are you on Apple Silicon by any chance?

jordikt commented 1 year ago

Thanks, sudo make worked fine.

I am not in Apple Silicon, I am running Monterey 12.6.5 on a macbook pro retina 15' mid 2015 intel core i7.

I can hide all menu bar items, except the one I need to hide ("Bome Midi Translator Pro"). Even using the flag -f the icon is still there.

jordikt commented 1 year ago

Restarting the computer makes the icon of "Bome Midi Translator Pro" to be hidden if it was shown (and shown if it was hidden).

Maybe there is a command to restart the status bar to avoid restarting the computer?

gingerbeardman commented 1 year ago

@jordikt that's a strange Java app, I had no luck just now trying.

jordikt commented 1 year ago

@artginzburg @gingerbeardman

any idea of how to restart the status bar icons?


gingerbeardman commented 1 year ago


jordikt commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the link. Restarting the menubar don't hide the icon, I have to restart the computer. It's weird.