artgris / FileManagerBundle

FileManager is a simple Multilingual File Manager Bundle for Symfony
MIT License
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Embedded version ? #53

Closed gobolabs closed 4 years ago

gobolabs commented 4 years ago


First, thanks for the work!

i found a "workaround" (frame) to embed the file manager into a twig template after a few try of overrides.

Do I missed something or there is a "simple" way to embed the file manager into a view ?

If not, could it be possible ? A reason to avoid it ?


artgris commented 4 years ago

Hi @gobolabs, Thx =) To embed the file manager you can use an iframe or override the bundle templates (manager.html.twig):

gobolabs commented 4 years ago

Hello, thanks for answer.

Ok for the iframe. It works but not as a "normal" template, naturally.

We have try to override the manager.html.twig but without success. Stop me if I am wrong, but we have to override the controllers also, etc...

And after few test, there are too much depedencied atm to "just" be able to override the only template... Do I am right ?

artgris commented 4 years ago

Why you need to override the controller ?

you must override the view by managing integration conflicts (In your case, it seems complicated...) between filemanager and your template (js and css) no link with the controller

gobolabs commented 4 years ago

Yeah, that's the points. Pretty complicated to juste override the view + override the front ... but I will try again asap. I'll keep you in touch.

Thanks for the answers !
