artgris / FileManagerBundle

FileManager is a simple Multilingual File Manager Bundle for Symfony
MIT License
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Symfony 6 compatibility #92

Closed NodokaMurmevent closed 2 years ago

NodokaMurmevent commented 2 years ago

Hello, did you have any plan for symfony 6 ?

artgris commented 2 years ago

Hi @NodokaMurmevent, I have no plan and I wonder if it is relevant to continue this bundle. Everything has to be redone... (use modern js, update blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload, allow remote server ...)

NodokaMurmevent commented 2 years ago

ho ok. i‘s sad, but i totally understand, it‘s true the jquery part is not easy to work with. I guess it's the same for MediaBundle ?

I will need to find things for replace everything so.

Thanks for all the work previously do !

artgris commented 2 years ago

@Arkounay created a more modern version of the media bundle so I might try to remake my bundle, but it will take some time.

miguelgilmartinez commented 2 years ago

It's a great bundle, with no competitors alike AFAIK.

artgris commented 2 years ago