arthur-e / Wicket

A modest library for moving between Well-Known Text (WKT) and various framework geometries
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Online Arcgis demo not working #90

Open leforthomas opened 7 years ago

leforthomas commented 7 years ago

The demo @ doesn't work for me. I'm getting various errors in the console, for instance "(index):15 Error: multipleDefine(…)" or "sandbox-arcgis.html:66 Uncaught ReferenceError: Wkt is not defined".

arthur-e commented 7 years ago

See #74 which is likely related.

dbonanWoobler commented 5 years ago

How do we get the Arcgis demo working. I got a look at #74 but did not help me solve the problem

arthur-e commented 5 years ago

Hello, @dbonanWoobler, it has been a long time since I implemented support for the ArcGIS Javascript API. At the time, I never used the ArcGIS API for anything else. Since that time, it has been continuously updated and I have no experience with which to fix the inevitable backwards incompatibility. The problem you're experiencing likely lies in how to properly load the ArcGIS APi, e.g., whether to use an AMD format or some other module loaders...

I'm hoping someone who actually uses the ArcGIS API will make the necessary adjustments and submit a Pull Request.

arthur-e commented 2 years ago

The new demos, depending on ArcGIS version, are doc/arcgis3.html and doc/arcgis4.html.

arthur-e commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, these demos are fixed for the master branch (i.e., serving from doc/ locally) but are not fixed yet on gh-pages.