arthurdejong / python-stdnum

A Python library to provide functions to handle, parse and validate standard numbers.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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gb is missing for get_cc_model (no imports in __init__) #419

Open EmberCraze opened 11 months ago

EmberCraze commented 11 months ago

Using get_ccmodel does not work for GB because the \ file is missing imports to the relevant modules as business_tin or vat or personal_tin.

Which number is defined as which? I would like make a PR with is change.

arthurdejong commented 11 months ago

I'm sorry but I don't know which formats are used for exactly what (other than what is already described in the documentation). The VAT number is most likely generally assigned to businesses only while the UTR seems to be assigned to both individuals and organisations. I'm unsure if any one of them are general-purpose unique identifiers beyond the scope of the relevant tax. Some countries seem to have a single identifier that is used across government services (and sometimes beyond) while other countries have an identifier per government agency.