The Belgian social security identification number is the unique identification number of a person
working in or covered for social benefits in Belgium.
For Belgian residents, the number is identical to their Belgian National
Number (Rijksregisternummer, Numéro National).
For non-residents, the number is identical to their Belgian BIS number.
Both numbers consists of 11 digits and encode a person's date of birth and
gender. It encodes the date of birth in the first 6 digits in the format
YYMMDD. The following 3 digits represent a counter of people born on the same
date, seperated by sex (odd for male and even for females respectively). The
final 2 digits form a check number based on the 9 preceding digits.
This module therefor uses the already existing be.bis and be.nn modules as part of its validation.
The Belgian social security identification number is the unique identification number of a person working in or covered for social benefits in Belgium. For Belgian residents, the number is identical to their Belgian National Number (Rijksregisternummer, Numéro National). For non-residents, the number is identical to their Belgian BIS number. Both numbers consists of 11 digits and encode a person's date of birth and gender. It encodes the date of birth in the first 6 digits in the format YYMMDD. The following 3 digits represent a counter of people born on the same date, seperated by sex (odd for male and even for females respectively). The final 2 digits form a check number based on the 9 preceding digits.
This module therefor uses the already existing be.bis and be.nn modules as part of its validation.
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