Thanks for this handy utility :) I managed to used it successfully with one of my AC, but then I enabled the WiFi on the second one, and the script can not start up any more. I get this traceback:
$ node index.js --mqtt-broker-url="mqtt://localhost" --mqtt-topic-prefix="home/greehvac" --hvac-host=""
[MQTT] Connected to broker on mqtt://localhost
[UDP] Connected to device at
[UDP] New device registered: Nappali
[UDP] New device registered: Emelet
[UDP] Device Emelet is bound!
var ret =;
Error: error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt
at (crypto.js:183:26)
at Object.decrypt (/home/major/Downloads/gree-hvac-mqtt-bridge/app/encryptionService.js:21:56)
at Device._handleResponse (/home/major/Downloads/gree-hvac-mqtt-bridge/app/deviceFactory.js:150:40)
at Socket.Device.socket.on (/home/major/Downloads/gree-hvac-mqtt-bridge/app/deviceFactory.js:47:51)
at emitTwo (events.js:126:13)
at Socket.emit (events.js:214:7)
at UDP.onMessage [as onmessage] (dgram.js:659:8)
Does the script support more than one devices at the same time?
Thanks for this handy utility :) I managed to used it successfully with one of my AC, but then I enabled the WiFi on the second one, and the script can not start up any more. I get this traceback:
Does the script support more than one devices at the same time?