arthurprs / floki

Floki Message Queue
MIT License
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Map floki commands to Redis commands #3

Open arthurprs opened 8 years ago

arthurprs commented 8 years ago

This is what Floki does right now

RPUSH push one or more messages

RPUSH queue_name message1 [message2, ...]

Returns the number of messages inserted

HMGET get one or more messages

HMGET queue_name channel_name number_or_messages [long_pooling_timeout]

Returns an array with three items for each message. The first would be the id, the second is the ticket (for acknowledging, see bellow) and the third would be the message itself. Note: Floki will return as soon as there's one message available

HMSET seeks the channel

HMGET queue_name channel_name TS|ID seek_timestamp|seek_id

Seeks the specified channel to the specified id or timestamp.

Note: Floki won't error if the id or timestamp is either in the future or is already gone from the underlying storage. If it's set to a non-existent past, gets will just return the first available message.

HDEL ack messages

HDEL queue_name channel_name ticket1 [ticket2, ...]

Acknowledge messages using their tickets. Returns the number of successful acknowledges.

MSET create queue/channel

MSET queue_name channel_name

Creates the specified queue and channels, will error if the queue already exists

DEL delete queue/channel

DEL queue_name [channel_name]

Deletes a channel, if specified, otherwise deletes the queue.

SREM purge queue/channel

SREM queue_name channel_name_or_*

Note: you can also use * as the channel name to purge all channels, effectively purging the entire queue and allowing all used disk space to be reclaimed.