Open giriwgiriw opened 4 years ago
I try to call (Melbourne Point Cloud) with creating manual url wihout Cesium.IonResource.fromAssetId.. api returns response but point cloud is not visible at cesium.
<ac-3d-tile-layer *ngIf="appSettingsService.show3dtiles" [options]="{ url: '' }">
Hi, did you try to set your own cesium ion token in main.ts
and then to run your relevant asset?
Hi, I'm having the same issue, cesium version 1.81, angular-cesium version 0.67. Editing the ac-tileset-3d component, commenting out everything and simply loading the tileset, passing viewer directly through new input still causes the same issues. App crashes once the error occurs. No issues loading the tileset without angular wrapper. Any thoughts?
issue only occurs when passing a promise through component input, e.g. Cesium.IonResource.fromAssetId(assetId)
I cloned repository and test 3d-tile-layer at "demo-map.component.html" page. When I run the page it runs into an infinite loop. net::ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES occours on network console. How can I fix?
<ac-3d-tile-layer *ngIf="appSettingsService.show3dtiles" [options]="{ url: Cesium.IonResource.fromAssetId(29328) }">