articulate-common-lisp /

docs/specs for a tutorial site for a Common Lisp environment
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Thinking about site future #49

Closed ghost closed 8 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

Hey @pnathan. I didn't know the best way to contact you on things like this, so I thought opening an issue would be fine.

Had a discussion on IRC today about what the lisp community needs. Check it out below. I think a slight consensus is a curated site like this is a good idea.

So from my point a view, the site needs to focus on getting some contributors and get auto-deploys for merges to master. Long term, a small group of maintainers rather than just you with the power to approve pull requests would be good.


<mordocai> Btw, if anyone can contribute content to that'd be great. I've
           been helping out a bit but my knowledge is limited. I think the purpose of the site is a
           valid need. Better information about the different implementations + some fleshed out
           project tutorials is what it most needs I think.
*** native_killer (~Native@ has quit: Quit: Leaving                           [12:57]
* Shinmera has never seen that site before
<Shinmera> Blogging about it and getting said blog onto plent-lisp might get some attention.  [12:58]
<Shinmera> *planet-lisp
<eudoxia> it's on the r/lisp sidebar kek                                                      [12:59]
<eudoxia> ive only looked at it superficially
<hitecnologys> There's already, why another site?
<mordocai> Yeah, I found it via /r/lisp. Noobies don't like
<mordocai> Really not sure why
<Xach> I also don't like                                                           [13:00]
<Xach> I don't like it because it's ugly and chaotic.
<hitecnologys> Well, me neither, but doesn't that mean it needs improvements?
<Xach> I would like it more if it was not ugly and not chaotic.
<Shinmera> Same.                                                                              [13:01]
<resttime> "I'll just write my own" <- A frequent goto solution when it comes to lisp         [13:02]
<zwdr> lisp makes it easy though!
<Xach> I like some parts of it. The ansi corrections page is good. But if someone were to make that
       today, I'd suggest a google doc or something like that.
<eudoxia> yes, cliki is indeed horrible                                                       [13:03]
<hitecnologys> There isn't an alternative at the moment.
<hitecnologys> Maybe let's make something instead of saying how horrible it is?
<mordocai> I think the main problem is that AFAIK I can't make a pull request to fundementally
           change cliki. I already did that once with articulate-lisp
<Xach> The alternative is to not use it and not look at it.
<rpg> resttime, zwdr: that's how we end up with so many 70% solutions.
<zwdr> yea true                                                                               [13:04]
<hitecnologys> Xach: but we still need some place where we can aggregate stuff.
<resttime> Thank goodness quicklisp exists.
* eudoxia feels bad for abandoning
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<Xach> hitecnologys: That would be great. It's too bad there's nothing like that already.
<hitecnologys> resttime: quicklisp doesn't have proper categories and neither does quickdoc.
*** Whymind ( has quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer  [13:05]
<hitecnologys> resttime: and don't tell me that I don't need them because I usually end up in
               situations where I'm not sure what to look for so I open cliki and look at the list
               of software on appropriate page and compare them, then decide.
* mordocai asks #lisp                                                                         [13:06]
<mordocai> Cliki seems often out of date
<Shinmera> You can change the seems to is.
*** Whymind ( has joined channel #lisp
<hitecnologys> Xach: I think I've become too spoiled. Now I can't tell whether you were sarcastic or
               not… =P                                                                        [13:07]
<Xach> hitecnologys: I'm not being sarcastic. I don't like and I don't think it's worth
       using for any current problem.
<Xach> Other people can work on it if they like. I'm not going to do it.                      [13:08]
<mordocai> So like, is something like articulate-lisp (curated by pull request/one maintainer) what
           we need? Or do we need a better wiki?
<Xach> I like the idea of something curated. Execution can always be a stumbling block.       [13:09]
<hitecnologys> I'm not so sure that wiki is what we need.
<eudoxia> i think a website like (well designed, advertises language's strengths)
          plus a wiki is what's needed                                                        [13:10]
<hitecnologys> So I'd vote for something being centrally controlled by a small publicly elected
<Shinmera> I've been thinking about something like a wiki but using a versioning system as a
<Xach> I think "publicly elected committee" is a kiss of death.
<hitecnologys> Xach: but it has hope.
<eudoxia> as in, waiting for consensus to form before acting?                                 [13:11]
<Shinmera> hitecnologys: Committees are slow and you'll always get a good chunk of people who'll
           immediately shoot it down because they don't like the electives.
<zwdr> Mmmh, I wrote a small wiki that simply uses the FS
<zwdr> so if you add the folder to git its versioned
<zwdr> I believe thats a good approach
<zwdr> instead of reinventing versioning
<hitecnologys> But uncontrolled wikis are a good way to end up in the garbage dump. We need some
               group of people who would manage it anyway.
<eudoxia> show of hands, how many people here have their own lisp-backed personal wiki :)
<Shinmera> The versinoning system thing would be neato because you could have branches for people's
           changes and thus have only one public version that might be checked by some.
<Shinmera> *versioning
<zwdr> eeh--it's scheme eudoxia :D                                                            [13:12]
<mordocai> eudoxia: Bunch of org files count?
<eudoxia> mordocai: no
<mordocai> Then nope
<hitecnologys> eudoxia: I had a project like that once but I shut it down due to lack of time to
               work on it.
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<mordocai> I wonder how arch wiki does it. Nearly always top notch information.
*** plato_14 (~user@ has joined channel #lisp                                   [13:17]
<zwdr> same with the gentoo wiki
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    Manhattan Project
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<Xach> at a guess, lots and lots and lots of people involved.                                 [13:20]
*** hrs (~textual@ has quit: Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…
<Xach> low-ish barrier to entry, a path to progressing in levels of contributions, mostly unified
       user community, etc
*** NeverDie ( has joined channel #lisp             [13:21]
<Xach> will wright gave a nice talk about the pyramid of contributions to The Sims. there were
       millions of users (the base of the pyramid), and some fraction of those decided they wanted
       to customize the game a little, and some fraction of that fraction decided they wanted to do
       more, and so on.
<Xach> that was one aspect of a really interesting talk about many topics
*** earl-ducaine (~vrrm@ has joined channel #lisp                             [13:22]
<Xach> common lisp has many different groups with their own, completely valid, agendas, priorities,
       etc. none of which is particularly large in the absolute sense.
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*** NeverDie ( has quit: Max SendQ exceeded         [13:23]
<Xach> with common lisp, any energetic weirdo can, on their own, do a great deal of good. or harm.
<Xach> it's better if you have a large pool of potential weirdos                              [13:24]
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<Xach> and also helps if they tend to be more good than harmful, on average
*** varjagg ( has joined channel #lisp                    [13:25]
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    Connection reset by peer
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<eudoxia> can confirm, am spooky energetic weirdo                                             [13:26]
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<mordocai> Yeah, I feel like despite the problems with it our best bet is a linux-style group (one
           dictator for life, with subordinates nomiated by him/her) and a curated site.
<mordocai> nominated*
*** NeverDie ( has joined channel #lisp             [13:27]
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pnathan commented 9 years ago

Skim at work - I am happy to get the auto deploys rolling.

With respect to contributors... I am happy to talk more about getting more.

Email, Twitter, etc all are good contact points. On Oct 29, 2015 11:40 AM, "Chris Carpenter" wrote:

Hey @pnathan I didn't know the best way to contact you on things like this, so I thought opening an issue would be fine.

Had a discussion on IRC today about what the lisp community needs. Check it out below. I think a slight consensus is a curated site like this is a good idea.

So from my point a view, the site needs to focus on getting some contributors and get auto-deploys for merges to master. Long term, a small group of maintainers rather than just you with the power to approve pull requests would be good.


Btw, if anyone can contribute content to that'd be great. I've been helping out a bit but my knowledge is limited. I think the purpose of the site is a valid need. Better information about the different implementations + some fleshed out project tutorials is what it most needs I think. **\* native_killer (~Native@ has quit: Quit: Leaving [12:57] - Shinmera has never seen that site before Blogging about it and getting said blog onto plent-lisp might get some attention. [12:58] *planet-lisp it's on the r/lisp sidebar kek [12:59] ive only looked at it superficially There's already, why another site? Yeah, I found it via /r/lisp. Noobies don't like Really not sure why I also don't like [13:00] I don't like it because it's ugly and chaotic. Well, me neither, but doesn't that mean it needs improvements? I would like it more if it was not ugly and not chaotic. Same. [13:01] "I'll just write my own" <- A frequent goto solution when it comes to lisp [13:02] lisp makes it easy though! I like some parts of it. The ansi corrections page is good. But if someone were to make that today, I'd suggest a google doc or something like that. yes, cliki is indeed horrible [13:03] There isn't an alternative at the moment. Maybe let's make something instead of saying how horrible it is? I think the main problem is that AFAIK I can't make a pull request to fundementally change cliki. I already did that once with articulate-lisp The alternative is to not use it and not look at it. resttime, zwdr: that's how we end up with so many 70% solutions. yea true [13:04] Xach: but we still need some place where we can aggregate stuff. Thank goodness quicklisp exists. - eudoxia feels bad for abandoning **\* knobo ( has quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds hitecnologys: That would be great. It's too bad there's nothing like that already. resttime: quicklisp doesn't have proper categories and neither does quickdoc. **\* Whymind ( has quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer [13:05] resttime: and don't tell me that I don't need them because I usually end up in situations where I'm not sure what to look for so I open cliki and look at the list of software on appropriate page and compare them, then decide. - mordocai asks #lisp [13:06] Cliki seems often out of date You can change the seems to is. **\* Whymind ( has joined channel #lisp Xach: I think I've become too spoiled. Now I can't tell whether you were sarcastic or not… =P [13:07] hitecnologys: I'm not being sarcastic. I don't like and I don't think it's worth using for any current problem. Other people can work on it if they like. I'm not going to do it. [13:08] So like, is something like articulate-lisp (curated by pull request/one maintainer) what we need? Or do we need a better wiki? I like the idea of something curated. Execution can always be a stumbling block. [13:09] I'm not so sure that wiki is what we need. i think a website like (well designed, advertises language's strengths) plus a wiki is what's needed [13:10] So I'd vote for something being centrally controlled by a small publicly elected committee. I've been thinking about something like a wiki but using a versioning system as a backend. I think "publicly elected committee" is a kiss of death. Xach: but it has hope. as in, waiting for consensus to form before acting? [13:11] hitecnologys: Committees are slow and you'll always get a good chunk of people who'll immediately shoot it down because they don't like the electives. Mmmh, I wrote a small wiki that simply uses the FS so if you add the folder to git its versioned I believe thats a good approach instead of reinventing versioning But uncontrolled wikis are a good way to end up in the garbage dump. We need some group of people who would manage it anyway. show of hands, how many people here have their own lisp-backed personal wiki :) The versinoning system thing would be neato because you could have branches for people's changes and thus have only one public version that might be checked by some. _versioning eeh--it's scheme eudoxia :D [13:12] eudoxia: Bunch of org files count? mordocai: no Then nope eudoxia: I had a project like that once but I shut it down due to lack of time to work on it. *_\* lispyone_ ( has joined channel #lisp [13:15] **\* nikki93 (~nikki93@ has joined channel #lisp **\* runneypo (~Timi@ has quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer [13:16] I wonder how arch wiki does it. Nearly always top notch information. **\* plato_14 (~user@ has joined channel #lisp [13:17] same with the gentoo wiki **\* NeverDie ( has quit: Quit: -> Manhattan Project **\* nyef ( has quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds [13:19] **\* kushal (~kdas@fedora/kushal) has quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds at a guess, lots and lots and lots of people involved. [13:20] **\* hrs (~textual@ has quit: Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz… low-ish barrier to entry, a path to progressing in levels of contributions, mostly unified user community, etc **\* NeverDie ( has joined channel #lisp [13:21] will wright gave a nice talk about the pyramid of contributions to The Sims. there were millions of users (the base of the pyramid), and some fraction of those decided they wanted to customize the game a little, and some fraction of that fraction decided they wanted to do more, and so on. that was one aspect of a really interesting talk about many topics **\* earl-ducaine (~vrrm@ has joined channel #lisp [13:22] common lisp has many different groups with their own, completely valid, agendas, priorities, etc. none of which is particularly large in the absolute sense. **\* zygentoma ( has joined channel #lisp **\* NeverDie ( has quit: Max SendQ exceeded [13:23] with common lisp, any energetic weirdo can, on their own, do a great deal of good. or harm. it's better if you have a large pool of potential weirdos [13:24] **\* eazar001 ( has joined channel #lisp **\* shookees (~shookees@unaffiliated/doublestring) has quit: Remote host closed the connection and also helps if they tend to be more good than harmful, on average **\* varjagg ( has joined channel #lisp [13:25] **\* eazar001 ( has quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer **\* eazar001 ( has joined channel #lisp can confirm, am spooky energetic weirdo [13:26] **\* futpib (~futpib@ has joined channel #lisp Yeah, I feel like despite the problems with it our best bet is a linux-style group (one dictator for life, with subordinates nomiated by him/her) and a curated site. nominated* **\* NeverDie ( has joined channel #lisp [13:27] **\* dkcl (~user@unaffiliated/dandersen) has joined channel #lisp **\* rpg ( has quit: Quit: rpg **\* kushal (~kdas@fedora/kushal) has joined channel #lisp [13:28] **\* plato_14 (~user@ has quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [13:33] #lisp> — Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub