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docs/specs for a tutorial site for a Common Lisp environment
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Use Hunchentoot rather than Nginx to serve the web. #51

Closed pnathan closed 8 years ago

pnathan commented 8 years ago

Adds a dynamic /api/release/ route that can be touched by a Github webhook. (already configured on this system).

/cc @mordocai

This will get you a demo running on 8080. Note that /about/ is broken in this branch and will need to be migrated to about.html. (I have no interest in working out how to do a normal directory / -> index.html redirect right now.

# docker run -v /tmp:/tmp -p 8080:80 pnathan/articulate-common-lisp:server

note that I added a custom tag here :server to allow testing and poking.

pnathan commented 8 years ago

(and reworked the about/ stuff because why not)

ghost commented 8 years ago

Looks good. Only nitpick I have is /api/release seems more idiomatic than /api/release/. Working is the most important thing though, so doesn't really matter