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docs/specs for a tutorial site for a Common Lisp environment
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Running the script produces an error #76

Open james-stoup opened 1 year ago

james-stoup commented 1 year ago

I am running this on Fedora 37 and when I run ./ I get the following output:

ruby 3.1.1p18 (2022-02-18 revision 53f5fc4236) [x86_64-linux-musl]
jekyll 4.2.2 -- Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby


  jekyll <subcommand> [options]

        -s, --source [DIR]  Source directory (defaults to ./)
        -d, --destination [DIR]  Destination directory (defaults to ./_site)
            --safe         Safe mode (defaults to false)
        -p, --plugins PLUGINS_DIR1[,PLUGINS_DIR2[,...]]  Plugins directory (defaults to ./_plugins)
            --layouts DIR  Layouts directory (defaults to ./_layouts)
            --profile      Generate a Liquid rendering profile
        -h, --help         Show this message
        -v, --version      Print the name and version
        -t, --trace        Show the full backtrace when an error occurs

  build, b              Build your site
  clean                 Clean the site (removes site output and metadata file) without building.
  doctor, hyde          Search site and print specific deprecation warnings
  help                  Show the help message, optionally for a given subcommand.
  new                   Creates a new Jekyll site scaffold in PATH
  new-theme             Creates a new Jekyll theme scaffold
  serve, server, s      Serve your site locally

I've already verified that docker runs correctly. Is this a bug or am I just doing something wrong?

pnathan commented 1 year ago

Interesting. I haven't updated this in a while. I would guess that there's something that's not pinned that is trying to run the latest while using older arguments. (Probably should have ported the entire codegen to Common Lisp, but I didn't want to take on that effort...)

(now to figure out which Alpine/Jekyll can even run)