Hi, the get_location() api seems to return a value that is either a rounded floating point, or an integer value that was transformed into a floating value. I'm suspecting it's the latter because of the binary locator flags in [1] and the StreamingService classes in spherov2.py/spherov2/controls/v2.py.
class LocatorFlags(IntFlag):
AUTO_CALIBRATE = 0x1 # 0b1
To reproduce this:
from spherov2 import scanner
from spherov2.adapter.tcp_adapter import get_tcp_adapter
from spherov2.sphero_edu import SpheroEduAPI
toy = scanner.find_toy()
with SpheroEduAPI(toy) as api:
I am working with Python 3.11.3 64-bit, spherov2 version 0.12, and a Sphero SPRK+.
Other than this issue, this has been a great and simple package to work with, thank you!
Hi, the get_location() api seems to return a value that is either a rounded floating point, or an integer value that was transformed into a floating value. I'm suspecting it's the latter because of the binary locator flags in [1] and the StreamingService classes in spherov2.py/spherov2/controls/v2.py.
To reproduce this:
I am working with Python 3.11.3 64-bit, spherov2 version 0.12, and a Sphero SPRK+.
Other than this issue, this has been a great and simple package to work with, thank you!