artilleryio / artillery

The complete load testing platform. Everything you need for production-grade load tests. Serverless & distributed. Load test with Playwright. Load test HTTP APIs, GraphQL, WebSocket, and more. Use any Node.js module.
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Perform Artillery with Selenium&NodeJS #1440

Open ramgiteng opened 2 years ago

ramgiteng commented 2 years ago


Thanks for this tool!

I am trying to perform a load test on a web application via Chrome browsers with the help of Selenium and NodeJS. The purpose of using Artillery for my use case is to perform a ramp up schedule of triggering Chrome browsers in a Workload model.

Use Case:

For example: To ramp up to 3 Chrome browsers in 30 seconds. In my Selenium code below, I am instructing Selenium to go to and capture the text of a header on the homepage and return it. In my YML file, I configured rampTo: 3. The expected output is that I only see 3 instances of the output in console. However, I am seeing numerous instances. Please also refer to "Expected Output" and "Actual Output" below.

Selenium Code

const { Builder, By, Key, until } = require('selenium-webdriver');
const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
async function navigateToLambdaTest() {
            let chromeCapabilities =;
            chromeCapabilities.set('chromeOptions', { 'args':[ '--headless','--disable-dev-shm-usage','--disable-extensions','--no-sandbox']});
            chromeCapabilities.set('useAutomationExtension', false);
            let driver = await new Builder();
            try {
            await driver.get('');
            const text = await driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//h1[contains(text(),'Cross Browser')]")),20000)).getText();
            console.log("Text is: " + text);
            } finally {
                await driver.quit();

module.exports = {
    navigateToLambdaTest: navigateToLambdaTest

YAML file

  target: ""
  processor: "./SeleniumScript.js"
    - duration: 30
      arrivalRate: 1
      rampTo: 3
  - flow:
    - function: "navigateToLambdaTest"

Expected Output

Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud

Actual Output on Console:

Phase started: unnamed (index: 0, duration: 30s) 14:57:49(-0400)

| Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
/ Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
\ Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
- Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
| Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
/ Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
/ Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
/ Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
| Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
- Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
| Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
/ Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
| Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
| Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
- Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
- Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
- Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
/ Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
| Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
Metrics for period to: 14:58:00(-0400) (width: 8.996s)

vusers.created: ................................................................ 10
vusers.created_by_name.0: ...................................................... 10

| Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
| Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
- Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
\ Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
| Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
\ Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
\ Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
- Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
- Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
Metrics for period to: 14:58:10(-0400) (width: 8.978s)

vusers.created: ................................................................ 10
vusers.created_by_name.0: ...................................................... 10

Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
Phase completed: unnamed (index: 0, duration: 30s) 14:58:20(-0400)

\ Text is: Cross Browser Testing Cloud
Metrics for period to: 14:58:20(-0400) (width: 9.004s)

vusers.created: ................................................................ 10
vusers.created_by_name.0: ...................................................... 10

Can you please help troubleshoot this (as to why I am seeing more than 3 instances of the output)? Do I have to make any changes to the .yml files?

Please let me know if you need any further details. Thank you!

GeekyDeaks commented 2 years ago

you have specified an arrivalRate, which tells the runners how many users you want to try and simulate arriving on your site per second.

If you want a fixed number of arrivals, I would try using arrivalCount instead

ramgiteng commented 2 years ago

Thanks @GeekyDeaks Just curious - I thought the configuration duration: 30, arrivalRate: 1, and rampTo: 3 will ramp up to 3 users in 30 seconds.

Or does the config mean that 1 VU will be created every second (=30 VUs in total) for the specified duration? I will try out what you suggested in the meantime and get back.

GeekyDeaks commented 2 years ago

I find the terminology a bit confusing to be honest. Those two links I provided above have a short description and config which explains the options in a way that made sense to me. There is still something not quite right though as I would have expected the number of vusers to increase from 10 per interval in your test with the settings you have shown, but it doesn't seem to be the case

ramgiteng commented 2 years ago

@GeekyDeaks Yes, some confusion with rampTo as well. I had a question below regarding this. What does rampTo actually supposed to do when coupled with arrivalRate as shown below?

    - duration: 10
      arrivalRate: 1
      rampTo: 50

Does this mean that at the end of the duration (10 seconds), 50 VU's will have been created?

GeekyDeaks commented 2 years ago

did you spot the section below the rampTo example in the documentation?

It shows what the rampTo is equivalent to in individual phases

ramgiteng commented 2 years ago

Yes I did, however when I tried the config.yml with "arrivalRate = 0", artillery threw an error saying "This should not happen".

I found these two links as well to dive a little deeper about "rampTo". Please check them out.

I tried out various permutations of rampTo and arrivalRate, and the results are somewhat inconsistent. Will get back once I try them out again after sometime

GeekyDeaks commented 2 years ago

Yes I did, however when I tried the config.yml with "arrivalRate = 0", artillery threw an error saying "This should not happen".

That's pretty strange as the latest code should check for undefined not falsey:

I'd be inclined to look in node_modules and set some break points to check what is going on as the diags you posted at the start seem to indicate that it's not behaving correctly. I'll be running some load tests next week and I'll check the rampTo is working as expected at the same time

GeekyDeaks commented 2 years ago

Ok, I took another look this morning and the This should not happen error is because of this line incorrectly checking for falsey:

Also, rampTo does not appear to be being honoured. Using the config in your original post, I get the following from the phases debug logs:

$ DEBUG=phases npx artillery run -q ramptest.yaml 
⠦ 2022-05-12T06:15:26.568Z phases rampTo: tick = 1000ms; r0 = 1; periods = 1; ticksPerPeriod = 30; period length = 30s
⠸ 2022-05-12T06:15:57.569Z phases ticksElapsed: 31; upping probability or stopping
2022-05-12T06:15:57.569Z phases done: ticksElapsed = 31; currentRate = 1; rampTo = 1 

This also aligns with what you originally posted as your rate seemed to be stuck at 10 (i.e. 1 per second)

Not sure if your original request is sorted with the arrivalCount and you want to maybe raise another ticket for the rampTo?

GeekyDeaks commented 2 years ago

ok, one last thing of note. Things behave much better when using larger values for rampTo:

$ DEBUG=phases npx artillery run -q ramptest.yaml 
⠴ 2022-05-12T06:38:05.147Z phases rampTo: tick = 200ms; r0 = 1; periods = 5; ticksPerPeriod = 30; period length = 6s
⠙ 2022-05-12T06:38:11.356Z phases ticksElapsed: 31; upping probability or stopping
2022-05-12T06:38:11.356Z phases update: currentRate = 2 - p = 0.4
2022-05-12T06:38:11.356Z phases         expecting ~12 arrivals before updating again
⠧ 2022-05-12T06:38:17.548Z phases ticksElapsed: 31; upping probability or stopping
2022-05-12T06:38:17.549Z phases update: currentRate = 3 - p = 0.6
2022-05-12T06:38:17.549Z phases         expecting ~18 arrivals before updating again
⠹ 2022-05-12T06:38:23.751Z phases ticksElapsed: 31; upping probability or stopping
2022-05-12T06:38:23.751Z phases update: currentRate = 4 - p = 0.8
2022-05-12T06:38:23.751Z phases         expecting ~24 arrivals before updating again
⠇ 2022-05-12T06:38:29.947Z phases ticksElapsed: 31; upping probability or stopping
2022-05-12T06:38:29.948Z phases update: currentRate = 5 - p = 1
2022-05-12T06:38:29.948Z phases         expecting ~30 arrivals before updating again
⠸ 2022-05-12T06:38:36.149Z phases ticksElapsed: 31; upping probability or stopping
2022-05-12T06:38:36.149Z phases done: ticksElapsed = 31; currentRate = 5; rampTo = 5 

It looks like when you use values that are less than the number of workers and for a very short test time, odd things happen with the distribution calculations. This appears to be because you need an integer number of arrivals as you cannot have something like 0.7 people arriving at your site.

ramgiteng commented 2 years ago

Ok, I took another look this morning and the This should not happen error is because of this line incorrectly checking for falsey:

Oh I see what you mean. Thanks for that crucial point. I sort of thought so myself at the start.

So, which means that for the following config.yml, _we would not get an integer number of arrivals_ because Artillery will try to split the ramping of 100 threads amongst a 50 second interval? phases:

However, for the following config, it would distribute the spawning of each VU equally. (2 per second for 50 seconds) = 100 threads by the end of the duration.

Would you say that my above assessment is right?

ramgiteng commented 2 years ago

Ok, I took another look this morning and the This should not happen error is because of this line incorrectly checking for falsey:

Also, rampTo does not appear to be being honoured. Using the config in your original post, I get the following from the phases debug logs:

$ DEBUG=phases npx artillery run -q ramptest.yaml 
⠦ 2022-05-12T06:15:26.568Z phases rampTo: tick = 1000ms; r0 = 1; periods = 1; ticksPerPeriod = 30; period length = 30s
⠸ 2022-05-12T06:15:57.569Z phases ticksElapsed: 31; upping probability or stopping
2022-05-12T06:15:57.569Z phases done: ticksElapsed = 31; currentRate = 1; rampTo = 1 

This also aligns with what you originally posted as your rate seemed to be stuck at 10 (i.e. 1 per second)

Not sure if your original request is sorted with the arrivalCount and you want to maybe raise another ticket for the rampTo?

Regarding arrivalCount, this works as expected with a config similar to the one below: phases:

So, every 5 seconds approximately, one thread is created which means arrivalCount works fine.

However, I would like to model a workload where there is more than 1 thread created and ramp up at any point in time with the help of arrivalRate and rampTo parameters. In other words, I'm trying to get this working

Is arrivalRate always defined in terms of number of VU's per second? Let me try out what you suggested and get back to you.

GeekyDeaks commented 2 years ago

Is arrivalRate always defined in terms of number of VU's per second?

That is my understanding, but I'm just a simple user so take that with a pinch of the proverbial :D

From what I can tell, the load requested is distributed evenly as possible amongst a set of workers. The worker count (thread count) seems to be decided based on your system. For example, mine starts 7 workers. If you take a look at you can see the code that distributes the load amongst the workers.

With the config:

duration: 50
arrivalRate: 1
rampTo: 100

I get the following distribution (I just dumped the newScripts)

        "config": {
            "target": "",
            "processor": "./SeleniumScript.js",
            "phases": [
                    "duration": 50,
                    "arrivalRate": 1,
                    "rampTo": 15
            "statsInterval": 30
        "scenarios": [
                "flow": [
                        "function": "navigateToLambdaTest"
        "config": {
            "target": "",
            "processor": "./SeleniumScript.js",
            "phases": [
                    "duration": 50,
                    "arrivalRate": 0,
                    "rampTo": 15
            "statsInterval": 30
        "scenarios": [
                "flow": [
                        "function": "navigateToLambdaTest"
        "config": {
            "target": "",
            "processor": "./SeleniumScript.js",
            "phases": [
                    "duration": 50,
                    "arrivalRate": 0,
                    "rampTo": 14
            "statsInterval": 30
        "scenarios": [
                "flow": [
                        "function": "navigateToLambdaTest"
        "config": {
            "target": "",
            "processor": "./SeleniumScript.js",
            "phases": [
                    "duration": 50,
                    "arrivalRate": 0,
                    "rampTo": 14
            "statsInterval": 30
        "scenarios": [
                "flow": [
                        "function": "navigateToLambdaTest"
        "config": {
            "target": "",
            "processor": "./SeleniumScript.js",
            "phases": [
                    "duration": 50,
                    "arrivalRate": 0,
                    "rampTo": 14
            "statsInterval": 30
        "scenarios": [
                "flow": [
                        "function": "navigateToLambdaTest"
        "config": {
            "target": "",
            "processor": "./SeleniumScript.js",
            "phases": [
                    "duration": 50,
                    "arrivalRate": 0,
                    "rampTo": 14
            "statsInterval": 30
        "scenarios": [
                "flow": [
                        "function": "navigateToLambdaTest"
        "config": {
            "target": "",
            "processor": "./SeleniumScript.js",
            "phases": [
                    "duration": 50,
                    "arrivalRate": 0,
                    "rampTo": 14
            "statsInterval": 30
        "scenarios": [
                "flow": [
                        "function": "navigateToLambdaTest"

So I would expect one primary worker to start at 1 arrival per second and each of the additional workers to start at 0 arrivals per second and slow ramp up to 14 or 15 over the 50 second period (i.e. at the end of the 50 seconds, each worker is setting off 14 or 15 async requests per second)

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be the case. All the workers with arrivalRate: 0 are getting culled by this

so on my system I end up with one worker ramping from 1 arrival per second to 15 arrivals per second over the 50 second test run. This gives me about 400 arrivals over the whole test run, where it should be more like 2,500 (i.e 1+3+5+7+9+11......+97+99)

I think this is a bug. I'll try and gather more details when I get time and if it is, I'll raise a ticket and PR to fix it

GeekyDeaks commented 2 years ago

I raised a PR to fix this #1443 - as it only really affects tests that ramp from a very low arrivalRate, it's not likely to affect the sustained part of any serious loadtest

ramgiteng commented 2 years ago

I raised a PR to fix this #1443 - as it only really affects tests that ramp from a very low arrivalRate, it's not likely to affect the sustained part of any serious loadtest

Sure, thanks for the help @GeekyDeaks. I will try out a couple scenarios and get back as well.

ramgiteng commented 2 years ago

I raised a PR to fix this #1443 - as it only really affects tests that ramp from a very low arrivalRate, it's not likely to affect the sustained part of any serious loadtest

@GeekyDeaks Are you suggesting based on your findings that I should keep both the arrivalRate and rampTo values large?

GeekyDeaks commented 2 years ago

@GeekyDeaks Are you suggesting based on your findings that I should keep both the arrivalRate and rampTo values large?

I would probably suggest that you keep the arrivalRate at least as high as the number of workers (processes) that will be launched. Unless you override it, the default value is set to os.cpus().length - 1. If you do that, then the rampTo should be correctly honoured

ramgiteng commented 2 years ago

Thank you @GeekyDeaks . I'll try it out and get back. By the way, is there a new version of Artillery releasing anytime soon with the updated fix?

GeekyDeaks commented 2 years ago

Looks like it was just released @ramgiteng

ramgiteng commented 2 years ago

Looks like it was just released @ramgiteng

Thank you! I'll check it out.

ramgiteng commented 2 years ago

Is arrivalRate always defined in terms of number of VU's per second?

That is my understanding, but I'm just a simple user so take that with a pinch of the proverbial :D

From what I can tell, the load requested is distributed evenly as possible amongst a set of workers. The worker count (thread count) seems to be decided based on your system. For example, mine starts 7 workers. If you take a look at you can see the code that distributes the load amongst the workers.

With the config:

duration: 50
arrivalRate: 1
rampTo: 100

I get the following distribution (I just dumped the newScripts)

        "config": {
            "target": "",
            "processor": "./SeleniumScript.js",
            "phases": [
                    "duration": 50,
                    "arrivalRate": 1,
                    "rampTo": 15
            "statsInterval": 30
        "scenarios": [
                "flow": [
                        "function": "navigateToLambdaTest"
        "config": {
            "target": "",
            "processor": "./SeleniumScript.js",
            "phases": [
                    "duration": 50,
                    "arrivalRate": 0,
                    "rampTo": 15
            "statsInterval": 30
        "scenarios": [
                "flow": [
                        "function": "navigateToLambdaTest"
        "config": {
            "target": "",
            "processor": "./SeleniumScript.js",
            "phases": [
                    "duration": 50,
                    "arrivalRate": 0,
                    "rampTo": 14
            "statsInterval": 30
        "scenarios": [
                "flow": [
                        "function": "navigateToLambdaTest"
        "config": {
            "target": "",
            "processor": "./SeleniumScript.js",
            "phases": [
                    "duration": 50,
                    "arrivalRate": 0,
                    "rampTo": 14
            "statsInterval": 30
        "scenarios": [
                "flow": [
                        "function": "navigateToLambdaTest"
        "config": {
            "target": "",
            "processor": "./SeleniumScript.js",
            "phases": [
                    "duration": 50,
                    "arrivalRate": 0,
                    "rampTo": 14
            "statsInterval": 30
        "scenarios": [
                "flow": [
                        "function": "navigateToLambdaTest"
        "config": {
            "target": "",
            "processor": "./SeleniumScript.js",
            "phases": [
                    "duration": 50,
                    "arrivalRate": 0,
                    "rampTo": 14
            "statsInterval": 30
        "scenarios": [
                "flow": [
                        "function": "navigateToLambdaTest"
        "config": {
            "target": "",
            "processor": "./SeleniumScript.js",
            "phases": [
                    "duration": 50,
                    "arrivalRate": 0,
                    "rampTo": 14
            "statsInterval": 30
        "scenarios": [
                "flow": [
                        "function": "navigateToLambdaTest"

So I would expect one primary worker to start at 1 arrival per second and each of the additional workers to start at 0 arrivals per second and slow ramp up to 14 or 15 over the 50 second period (i.e. at the end of the 50 seconds, each worker is setting off 14 or 15 async requests per second)

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be the case. All the workers with arrivalRate: 0 are getting culled by this

so on my system I end up with one worker ramping from 1 arrival per second to 15 arrivals per second over the 50 second test run. This gives me about 400 arrivals over the whole test run, where it should be more like 2,500 (i.e 1+3+5+7+9+11......+97+99)

I think this is a bug. I'll try and gather more details when I get time and if it is, I'll raise a ticket and PR to fix it

@GeekyDeaks How do you get the distribution from running the command? I tried running it with --output but it didn't write to it.

This is my command: artillery run config.yml

GeekyDeaks commented 2 years ago

Ah, IIRC I directly modified node_modules/artillery/lib/dist.js to dump the value of newScripts