Open hamedpro opened 1 year ago
we have an api which listens on port 4000 and has two endpoints : GET /get_history : send you a json stringified version of all current history records. GET /new_history_record : you must send it a parameter in url query : new_record and it must be a string. it tells you if the job is done.
backend part :
there must be a simple websocket or restful api listening for 2 events : get history and new_history_record. each user has a unique id and those history records have that id within them. it can be done anyway you like more. when its done, write specification of how to use it.
frontend part :
at start time generate a unique id for each user and save it somewhere you like. it can be localSrorage or whatever. then at start time, load and show history and each time user hits "=" save a new record in the server.