artipie / white-paper

The White Paper
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Language corrections #21

Open olenagerasimova opened 4 years ago

olenagerasimova commented 4 years ago

I'd like to suggest the following language-related corrections:

  1. Abstract: this phrase

to enable access to them by programmers, tools, and other teams

looks odd to me (can we say "tools" are a team?), may be we should consider rephrasing it.

  1. Introduction: I'd suggest to remove bold "and" and add S to "emphasize"

The` Section 2 lists a few categories of existing BRM solutions, analyses requirements their customers may have, and emphasizeS the most important functional features and non-functional requirements.

  1. Requirements, open source: seems like on should be replaced with at

There are also a few entirely free and open source products, like Archiva, which software teams must install, configure and use on their own risk

  1. Requirements, surrogate: should not "a" be an "as"?

It is possible to organize a BRM without any software, for ex- ample, on top of Amazon S3 or a -> as simple FTP server.

  1. Requirements, surrogate: I'd suggest to remove bold a

However, such a solution gives very little or no control

  1. Requirements, reliability: typo, D is missing

An ability to corrupt the data due to software or harDware failures must be eliminated, as much as it is possible.

  1. Non-functional Requirements, Versions and Tags: replace is with should be

However, it is not expected that the BRM would assign version tags automatically, this is -> should be done at the pipeline’s side.

  1. Non-functional Requirements, Analytics: "as" is missing

Traceability between software artifacts is considered as a very important factor in today development process

  1. Page 5, last sentence: I'd suggest to extend this sentence like this:

There are many other essential features the BRM is expected to have such as authentication and authorization, deployment ...

  1. Artipie engine: s is missing and I suggest to replace last "repositories" with "them"

It routes HTTP requests to repositories and provideS authentication for repositories.

  1. Page 9: "s" is missing

The common data flow for Artipie upload: client is sending some binary artifact to the server, server find S responsible...

  1. Page 10: missing "is"

Diving into storage section, artipie IS asked to use...

  1. Page 10: gave -> gives (it's still working, no need for past)

The ability to chose where to store artifact gave -> gives us the flexibility of choice

  1. Section 3.2: Existed adapters -> existing adapters (they are still here...)

  2. Section 3.3: should not there be "for" instead of bold "of"?

The simplicity makes it easy to implement the interface of almost any data storage system

  1. Section 3.3: I guess it should be "these" (meaning the following) instead of "those"

Those design requirements were considered as most important for the asto...

0crat commented 4 years ago

@olenagerasimova/z I'm not managing this repo, remove the webhook or contact me in Slack, as explained in §11; I'm not managing artipie/white-paper GitHub repository, you have to contact me in Slack first, see §11 /cc @yegor256/z