artisticat1 / obsidian-tikzjax

Render LaTeX and TikZ diagrams in your notes
MIT License
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Unable to render circuittikz's Op amp diagram #23

Open sokmontrey opened 1 year ago

sokmontrey commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have been using this plugin for quite a while. Everything is working fine with circuittikz package. Until recently, I need to draw an op amp diagram for a circuit but it keep loading, never able to render the circuit.

Here is my code for op amp:

\draw (0,0) node[op amp]{};

I have tried other complicated components but there aren't any problems. I have also tried to rearrange the code different way, but nothing works. Usually, when the diagram keep loading without any result (which also a problem), all I have to do is to restart the obsidian and everything will be fine but not for the op amp.

vreithinger commented 1 year ago

i got the same problem. did you find a solution?

Soula96 commented 1 year ago

Same problem here. Interestingly most other circuits from the amplifiers class work, like the buffer or the plain amp are working for me.

Perhaps the issue lies within the name? I suspect the op characters may be the cause of this. At least for me, only op amp & fd op amp are not rendering...

sokmontrey commented 1 year ago

I still can't manage to find a solution to this yet.

bitSheriff commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem

schang412 commented 1 year ago

Perhaps the issue lies within the name? I suspect the op characters may be the cause of this. At least for me, only op amp & fd op amp are not rendering...

I tested and it seems that the fd inst amp does not work either, so it does not seem to be just the op characters.

I also tried to take a look at the upstream repository to see if I could narrow down the issue, but I couldn't compile drgrice1/web2js. I am not that familiar with the javascript tool chain.