artmoskvin / autocoder

Coding agent prototype
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Outdated dependency versions #9

Open artmoskvin opened 11 months ago

artmoskvin commented 11 months ago

GPT-4's knowledge of library versions is quite outdated (~2021). I was trying to build a Snake game (of course) in Python using pygame and asked autocoder to create a requirement.txt file with all dependencies. It did but the version for pygame was 2.0.1 that you can't even install on modern macs and python. So I had to tell autocoder to remove the version so that we could use the latest version from pypi which worked. In general, I think LLMs suggesting outdated dependencies is a very common problem. Few ideas for how to solve it:

  1. Fine-tuning OSS models on latest data
  2. Overwrite dependencies files with the latest versions
  3. Omit versions from dependency files