artnome / GreenNFTs

Green NFT Grant - Bounty For More Ecologically Friendly NFTs
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[Awareness Bounty] CarbonArt Flexible Minting #4

Open solsista opened 3 years ago

solsista commented 3 years ago

CarbonArt: Research and Analyze Flexible Minting of Rare Digital Art

As Clean Energy Access and Energy Efficiency activists and Artivists we find this window of awareness exciting and important, before the added environmental cost of digital art gets normalized like all of our already unsustainable consumption patterns.

We are a combined collective of Freeelio, EnergyUnlocked, and We are proposing an analysis of applicability of tried and tested methods for expanding clean energy as well as enabling and incentivizing use of energy when it is greenest, a method called "shifting". We will conduct a comparison of existing infrastructure to mint rare digital art. We will also compare it to typical household and commercial electricity consumption. We will test and analyze potential effectiveness of these existing clean energy solutions, which have been researched and developed over the last decade in Decentralized Energy Systems. Our hypothesis is that using existing solutions to further clean energy access and energy efficiency, green NFTs are not only a viable option - that artists will not only use these solutions to mint rare digital art in a carbon neutral way, but to unlock creative energy in their communities in and outside of art to help create a powerful movement of climate action.

Research Proposal

1. Aggregate and analyze current research on energy consumption of proof-of-work blockchains, and their renewable energy use potential

Desktop research of various publications and projects, e.g. academic and other sources.

2. Compare alternative cryptographic information systems to proof-of-work blockchains

Desktop research and interviews, since alternatives are comparably new: e.g. proof-of-stake networks like NEAR Protocol, socio-cryptographically secured networks like Holochain.

3. Analyze Rare Digital Art requirements

Desktop research and interviews: Under which circumstances do artists need the security of a proof-of-work blockchain and for which digital art scenarios are proof-of-stake and other comparable cryptographically secured decentralized information networks sufficient.

4. Mockup and test the app that enables flexible minting of Rare Digital Art and direct positive impact

Test the mockup of an app that enables artists to

Research Results

In the following we list a few options to spread the positive research results to continue increase awareness and incentivize climate action:

5. Create an awareness campaign "Incentives of a Fossil Free Future"

Can existing electricity market actors survive in a fossil free future? Can artists and everyday consumers thrive in a fossil free future? Can clean energy and energy efficiency service providers thrive in a fossil free future? If all computing was shiftable into moments of clean energy surplus, could that incentivize funds flowing more into clean energy? Could that shift change behavior and bring awareness to further sustainable consumption in other areas of every day life? Could shiftable minting of rare are start the mindset shift we need for Climate Action?

So many exciting questions will be addressed creatively in visual conversations whilst we are testing the hypothesis.

6. Engage participants in finding ways to offset their collective carbon footprint with direct impact

Build a friend-of-a-friend network through the awareness campaign, to offset some or all of the participants carbon emissions. Encourage participants to look beyond digital art for unsustainable consumption patterns, collect and offer suggestions for saving and offset options.

7. Create fundraiser to build the tested app idea that enables carbon-flexible minting of Rare Digital Art

e.g. next gitcoin round and or crowdfunding through the awareness campaign.

We are keen to get this off the ground and are looking forward to feedback! <3