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Mixed scheme implementation #34

Closed Giannis1993 closed 3 years ago

Giannis1993 commented 3 years ago

This is to discuss how to implement/assemble mixed schemes. I am a fan of dictionaries, so here is how I implemented it. I remember however that you guys had some other thoughts with a list/tuple of subproblems.

In the main function I would write (if n=4):

def test_mixed_square(n):

    # Instantiate problem
    prob = Square(n)

    # Define variable and response sets of a mixed approximation scheme as dictionaries
    var_set = {0: np.array([0]),
               1: np.array([1]),
               2: np.arange(2, prob.n)}
    resp_set = {0: np.array([0]),
                1: np.array([1])}

    # Instantiate subproblem objects for a mixed approximation scheme
    subprob_map =  {(0, 0): Subproblem(intervening=MMA(prob.xmin[var_set[0]], prob.xmax[var_set[0]]),
                    (0, 1): Subproblem(intervening=MMA(prob.xmin[var_set[1]], prob.xmax[var_set[1]]),
                    (0, 2): Subproblem(intervening=MMA(prob.xmin[var_set[2]], prob.xmax[var_set[2]]),
                    (1, 0): Subproblem(intervening=Linear(),
                    (1, 1): Subproblem(intervening=Linear(),
                    (1, 2): Subproblem(intervening=Linear(),

    # Instantiate a mixed scheme
    subprob = Mixed(subprob_map, var_set, resp_set)

    # Instantiate solver
    solver = SvanbergIP(prob.n, prob.m)

    # Initialize iteration counter and design
    itte = 0
    x_k = prob.x0.copy()

    # Optimization loop
    while not converged:

        # Evaluate responses and sensitivities at current point, i.e. g(X^(k)), dg(X^(k))
        f = prob.g(x_k)
        df = prob.dg(x_k)

        # Print current iteration and x_k
        print('iter: {:^4d}  |  x: {:<20s}  |  obj: {:^9.3f}  |  constr: {:^6.3f}'.format(
            itte, np.array2string(x_k[0:2]), f[0], f[1]))

        # Build approximate sub-problem at X^(k), f, df)

        # Call solver (x_k, g and dg are within approx instance)
        x, y, z, lam, xsi, eta, mu, zet, s = solver.subsolv(subprob)
        x_k = x.copy()

        itte += 1

Whereas the Mixed class would be as:

from sao.problems.subproblem import Subproblem
import numpy as np

## Mixed scheme assembly class
class Mixed(Subproblem):

    def __init__(self, subprob_map, var_set, resp_set):                 # no need to run the parent constructor
        self.num_of_var_sets = len(var_set.keys())                      # number of variable sets
        self.num_of_resp_sets = len(resp_set.keys())                    # number of response sets

        # Calculate n, m
        self.n = 0
        self.m = -1
        for l in range(0, self.num_of_var_sets):
            self.n += len(var_set[l])
        for p in range(0, self.num_of_resp_sets):
            self.m += len(resp_set[p])

        # Initialize arrays
        self.alpha = np.zeros(self.n, dtype=float)
        self.beta = np.ones(self.n, dtype=float)
        self.f = np.zeros(self.m + 1, dtype=float)
        self.df = np.zeros((self.m + 1, self.n), dtype=float)
        self.ddf = np.zeros((self.m + 1, self.n), dtype=float)

        # Store dictionaries
        self.subprob_map = subprob_map                                  # dictionary of subproblems
        self.var_set = var_set                                          # dictionary of variable sets
        self.resp_set = resp_set                                        # dictionary of response sets

    def build(self, x, f, df, ddf=None):
        self.n, self.m = len(x), len(f) - 1             # might be unnecessary
        self.f, self.df, self.ddf = f, df, ddf

       # Build constituent subproblems
        for p in range(0, self.num_of_resp_sets):
            for l in range(0, self.num_of_var_sets):
                if ddf is not None:
                    self.subprob_map[p, l].build(x[self.var_set[l]],
                                                 df[np.ix_(self.resp_set[p], self.var_set[l])],
                                                 ddf[np.ix_(self.resp_set[p], self.var_set[l])])
                    self.subprob_map[p, l].build(x[self.var_set[l]],
                                                 df[np.ix_(self.resp_set[p], self.var_set[l])])

        # Get mixed subproblem bounds

    # This is to find the most conservative bounds for each variable
    def get_bounds(self):
        self.alpha[:] = -1.
        self.beta[:] = 1.
        for p in range(0, self.num_of_resp_sets):
            for l in range(0, self.num_of_var_sets):
                self.alpha[self.var_set[l]] = np.maximum(self.alpha[self.var_set[l]],
                                                         self.subprob_map[p, l].alpha)
                self.beta[self.var_set[l]] = np.minimum(self.beta[self.var_set[l]],
                                                        self.subprob_map[p, l].beta)

    # Assembly of response vector for a mixed scheme
    def g(self, x):
        g_value = - (self.num_of_var_sets - 1) * self.f      # cuz each time a var_set is added, so is the const. term
        for p in range(0, self.num_of_resp_sets):
            for l in range(0, self.num_of_var_sets):
                g_value[self.resp_set[p]] += self.subprob_map[p, l].approx.g(
                    self.subprob_map[p, l].inter.y(x[self.var_set[l]]).T)
        return g_value

    # Assembly of sensitivity array for a mixed scheme
    def dg(self, x):
        dg_value = np.zeros_like(self.df)
        for p in range(0, self.num_of_resp_sets):
            for l in range(0, self.num_of_var_sets):
                dg_value[[self.resp_set[p]], [self.var_set[l]]] = self.subprob_map[p, l].approx.dg(
                    self.subprob_map[p, l].inter.y(x[self.var_set[l]]).T,
                    self.subprob_map[p, l].inter.dydx(x[self.var_set[l]]))
        return dg_value

    # Assembly of 2nd-order sensitivity array for a mixed scheme
    def ddg(self, x):
        ddg_value = np.zeros_like(self.df)
        for p in range(0, self.num_of_resp_sets):
            for l in range(0, self.num_of_var_sets):
                ddg_value[[self.resp_set[p]], [self.var_set[l]]] = self.subprob_map[p, l].approx.ddg(
                    self.subprob_map[p, l].inter.y(x[self.var_set[l]]).T,
                    self.subprob_map[p, l].inter.dydx(x[self.var_set[l]]),
                    self.subprob_map[p, l].inter.ddyddx(x[self.var_set[l]]))
        return ddg_value
MaxvdKolk commented 3 years ago

I have not tried to run the code, so just some comments based on reading these functions:

I would have to take a bit more in depth look though, to really suggest other implementations. Maybe it's good to discuss the current structure and possible alternatives this Friday? I doubt I can take more detailed look before, but perhaps in the weekend I can

aatmdelissen commented 3 years ago

My suggestion for the initialisation is as follows

# Default initialize all to MMA, Taylor1
mix = Mixed(var_sets, resp_sets, default_intervening=MMA, default_approximation=Taylor1, default_movelimit=...)

# Specify a few sets
mix.set_group(0, 1, intervening=ConLin, approximation=Taylor2, ...)
mix.set_group(1, range(5), approximation=Taylor2)
mix.set_group(1, 2, intervening=Linear)

In this way a default uniform mixed scheme is initialized, and by using the set_group method, specific groups are altered. Intervening variables, approximation, and move limit should be able to set independently, e.g.:

# One variable set, three response sets
mix = Mixed(var_sets, resp_sets, default_intervening=MMA, default_approximation=Taylor1, default_movelimit=...)
mix.set_group(0, [0, 1], intervening=ConLin)
mix.set_group(0, 1, approximation=Taylor2)

Which results in (0,0 - ConLin, Taylor1) and (0,1 - ConLin, Taylor2) and (0,2 - MMA, Taylor1).

Giannis1993 commented 3 years ago

Let's continue this discussion on #52