artofsequence / aos-designer

Digital Story Editor
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Wrong signal setup crashing on creating a sequence #2

Open Klaim opened 11 years ago

Klaim commented 11 years ago



After I read several articles aos site and got hooked on it. I did clone the repository and build it successfuly(I installed vs2010 for it! :-O). But, when I run using F5, after creating a new sequnce and got stucked around signal connection.

void EditorManager::react_project_open( const core::Project& project )
    connect( &project, SIGNAL(edition_session_begin(const core::EditionSession&)), this, SLOT(react_edition_session_begin(const core::EditionSession&)) );
    connect( &project, SIGNAL(edition_session_end(const core::EditionSession&)), this, SLOT(react_edition_session_end(const core::EditionSession&)), Qt::QueuedConnection );

    connect( &project, SIGNAL(sequence_created(const core::Sequence&)), this, SLOT(react_sequence_created(const core::Sequence&)) );
    connect( &project, SIGNAL(sequence_deleted(const core::Sequence&)), this, SLOT(react_sequence_deleted(const core::Sequence&)), Qt::QueuedConnection );

    const auto* initial_session_selection = project.selected_edition_session();

// ....

I think there need be qRegisterMetaType<>() for core::EditonSession class(but doesn't seem to be possible to me, cause it is QObject that is not copyable).

Need help to go further.