artoolkitx / arunityx

artoolkitX for Unity, providing high-performance video acquisition, marker and texture tracking and full Unity Editor support
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Getting started with ARToolKitX and Unity #16

Closed noemis84 closed 1 year ago

noemis84 commented 5 years ago

Currently I'm looking for vuforia alternaitves and ARToolKit seems promising. As far I understand, ARToolKitX replaces it and seem to be in active development. And because I'm a Unity developer, this seem to be the right place.

So I checked the releases tab and the only release I found was the default.unitypackage.unity... downloaded, imported to Unity 2018.2.18 and voila: import_artoolkitx

I never saw these errors nor a plugin, which tries to write to my C: drive. This doesn't seem right. Very strange paths. Is anyone working with artoolkitx and unity?

ukidabek commented 5 years ago

I have the same problem. Event when i downgraded up to Unity 2017.x.

OptrixAU commented 4 years ago

Although yes, there are issues with the package, you should be able to turn off all of the items with hard-coded paths and the ones that modify code in your packages.

Everything else should import.

If you're working in Windows, your first job is then going into the video settings in the example projects and making sure the line -format=BGRA appears in the Windows video settings of the ARController.