artoolkitx / arunityx

artoolkitX for Unity, providing high-performance video acquisition, marker and texture tracking and full Unity Editor support
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failed packaging #20

Closed SMaiLubis closed 1 year ago

SMaiLubis commented 5 years ago

i use windows 7 i already run and get this result: build

and then i try to packaging i get this error: packaging

can you help me? i already follow the instruction in

louisch commented 5 years ago

arunityx right now only targets macOS. I'm trying to get it to work for Linux, so I'll report in as I progress.

That particular line seems to rename lines in a particular file ($ARUNITYX_HOME/Source/Package/Assets/artoolkitX-Unity/Scripts/Editor/ARToolKitMenuEditor.cs) to the correct version using sed, but I don't know whether the version of sed on macOS is different, because that line seems to be using the wrong syntax. I fixed it by deleting the '' in sed -Ei '' (the first set of single-quotes), and also for some reason seemed to assume some paths were lowercase when they were mixed for me, so I had to change those lines too. Assuming your sed isn't too different to mine that hopefully will work.

Additionally, the line directly below that one (line 56) assumes that Unity is installed in /Applications. As in, that you're running macOS and you've installed Unity as a application. You would have to change that to wherever you've installed Unity on your Windows computer. If you installed Unity standalone, it should be something like C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe. If you installed with Unity Hub, it'll be something like C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2018.3.5f1\Editor\Unity.exe

philip-lamb commented 1 year ago

Should be resolved in v1.1.2 release.