artoolkitx / arunityx

artoolkitX for Unity, providing high-performance video acquisition, marker and texture tracking and full Unity Editor support
41 stars 22 forks source link is for mac only #6

Closed peterGraf closed 1 year ago

peterGraf commented 5 years ago


The script is for Mac only,

The last but one line, where Unity is called to create the package does not work on Windows.

I changed it for myself to

/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Unity-2018-1-6f1/Editor/Unity -quit -batchmode -nographics -stackTraceLogType Full -executeMethod ARToolKitPackager.CreatePackage -projectPath /home/peter/peter/Source/Repos/arunityx-master/Source/Package ARUnityX-1.0.2.unitypackage

This does not produce an error, but also does not create the ARUnityX-1.0.2.unitypackage.

Can anybody tell me what I am missing?

EonStrife commented 5 years ago

I am also stuck at ./ I got an error at one line before your line:

"sed -Ei "" "s/artoolkitX for Unity Version (([0-9]+.[0-9]+)(.[0-9]+)?(r[0-9]+)?)/artoolkitX for Unity Version $VERSION/" $ARUNITYX_HOME/Source/Package/Assets/ARToolKitX-Unity/Scripts/Editor/ARToolKitMenuEditor.cs"

I am using Windows 10, so it is not working because it is really for MacOS ?

ThorstenBux commented 5 years ago

Hi, I've only tested it on macOS but I'm wondering what you are using the packaging script for? This script was designed to generate the artoolkitx.unitypackage plugin. Why would you need to generate the plugin? You could just use the repo or the existing plugin or?

ThorstenBux commented 5 years ago

Just packaged and uploaded into Release:

ThorstenBux commented 5 years ago

That should be built automatically by our CD system. But unfortunately, I need a Unity3D license to make that happen.

If any of you has a Unity3D license that is unused or can be occasionally used for CD builds I would highly appreciate it.

Thanks guys

EonStrife commented 5 years ago

Cool! But I have trouble importing it:


It still happens after I have tried to Run as Administrator and reinstall Unity.

So I just went straight to the folder and found out that the DLL already existed before. So I renamed it, and now I can import the whole package.

However, I still got some problems, for examples :

I was trying to build and run BarcodeScene. I am using Unity 2018.2.5f1.

JeffBail commented 5 years ago

I'm having the same issue. I'm not sure why the package would attempt to overwrite Unity's stock DLL's; it seems like those would be tightly tied to the version of Unity that you're using. I'm on Unity 2018.2.7f1.

patildattatreya commented 5 years ago

I tried to create the Unity package by compiling Windows 10) , but seems like it's only for MacOS. And now i downloaded the defaultUnitypackage from releases and tried to import it into Unity Project but then it ends up at the same problem as quoted by EonStrife. Can anyone help me , if anyone of you have found any solution?

philip-lamb commented 1 year ago

It runs on Windows, provided you run from within a bash shell.