artprima / prometheus-metrics-bundle

Symfony 5/6 Prometheus Metrics Bundle
MIT License
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Include option for single URL (dsn) for redis configuration #55

Closed pmcgoverncw closed 2 years ago

pmcgoverncw commented 2 years ago

The current configuration options for this bundle only allow for separate data points for a redis connection (host, port, username, password, etc.). Given that popular redis-related bundles (ex: snc/SncRedisBundle & predis/predis) allow for single URL redis connection definition, it makes sense to allow that in this bundle as well. This removes the necessity to have separate env vars to define redis connection parameters in two different ways (dsn vs. separate values) Furthermore, integrations with popular redis bundles would be pertinent here, i.e. allowing definition of an existing service to use for a redis connection (ex: reference cache.adapter.redis as the redis provider as an alternative to providing any connection params)

denisvmedia commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your input. At the moment I don't have plans adding this feature. But I'm always open to good PRs.

pmcgoverncw commented 2 years ago

I'm seeing now that this is first an issue with PromPHP/prometheus_client_php as that bundle, included in this bundle, does not support using a redis dsn over separate connection params either.

denisvmedia commented 2 years ago

Well, yes, but I don't see a problem with parsing DSN (in the end it's just a URI in a form of redis[s]://[pass@][ip|host|socket[:port]][/db-index]).

pmcgoverncw commented 2 years ago

I suggested in the other bundle that either predis/predis be implemented as the redis handler or to implement a similar URL parsing method to what predis/predis uses:

pmcgoverncw commented 2 years ago

Another example is the snc/sncredisbundle dns parser:

denisvmedia commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your research. predis way seems to be the straight-forward one. Considering that in php we have a parse_url function, I'm not sure why SncRedisBundle doesn't use it.

pmcgoverncw commented 2 years ago

Do you have a defined docker container used to run the tests for this package (incl. web servicer to make /metrics/prometheus accessible)?

denisvmedia commented 2 years ago

I don't. But you may want to check how I run integration tests here. And unit+functional tests

pmcgoverncw commented 2 years ago

I saw those, but don't have a way to run GitHub actions locally - I've set up a basic dockerfile & docker-compose.yml with everything needed and will delete it before pushing my branch

pmcgoverncw commented 2 years ago

The work to require additional packages & copy the .integration/symfony files seems non-standard. going to be a lot of do & undo if this branch needs any revisions - I may have to push off any additional work on this until I have more free time. How are you running all of your tests locally?

denisvmedia commented 2 years ago

I run only functional and unit tests locally (for which I have redis running). I don't run the integration tests on my machine. Yes, it's not a standard approach, but I'm not aware of any better way to test the bundle against different symfony versions. We can discuss a better way if you have any ideas on that.

denisvmedia commented 2 years ago

Closing as stale. Feel free to re-open it, if you decide to proceed with the issue.

tourze commented 2 years ago

If someone want to use snc_redis in this bundle, can try this:

  1. Create a new CollectorRegistry, like:

namespace App\Monitor;

use Prometheus\Storage\Adapter;
use Prometheus\Storage\Redis;

class CollectorRegistry extends \Prometheus\CollectorRegistry

     * 保留第一个参数的注入,兼容旧的用法
     * @param Adapter $storageAdapter
     * @param Redis $redisStorage
     * @param bool $registerDefaultMetrics
    public function __construct(Adapter $storageAdapter, Redis $redisStorage, bool $registerDefaultMetrics = true)
        parent::__construct($redisStorage, $registerDefaultMetrics);
  1. Add to services.yaml:
    class: Prometheus\Storage\Redis
    public: true
    factory: ['Prometheus\Storage\Redis', 'fromExistingConnection']
    arguments: ['@snc_redis.monitor']
    class: App\Monitor\CollectorRegistry
    public: true
      - '@prometheus_metrics_bundle.adapter'
      - '@prometheus_metrics_bundle.custom.redis.adapter'

snc_redis.monitor is the service id that you want to inject, change whatever you want.

After that, prometheus-metrics-bundle will use snc_redis to connect redis service.
