artscilab / pioneers

Pioneers and Pathbreakers
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memoir from norm zabusky #1

Open rmalina opened 9 years ago

rmalina commented 9 years ago

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: NJ Zabusky Date: Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 3:14 AM Subject: PJ at LEO> draft ms auto-bio/memoir To: "Leonardo (manuscripts)", Norman Zabusky

SUBJECT: contact with Poe Johnson via Hi POE:

just when I was doing it- A colleague just pointed me to this info-

Recently published Memoirs of Pioneers in the Leonardo Journal:

Michael Noll: Early Digital Computer Art at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.

​My third arts related paper appeared in Leonardo in April and is attached ​. I had the assistance of both Patricia and Ray .

I am a stemist​ and for most of my professional life - see my wiki page for my professional items . I emerged formally as an a artist - conceptual and collagist in 2000.

The reference to Mike Noll, early pioneer at Bell labs, allowed me to sharpen my remarks . I attach a .pdf draft of my history slanted toward the arts which I have been pursuing with renewed vigor in the last few years.

I look forwrd to your comments on the attached .pdf

rmalina commented 9 years ago

poe ok lets try and use github !

can you tell him to develop an abstract ?

and also the text barely describes his art making-can you read his text and ask him to expand the description of the artmaking ?

roger @poejohnson

poejohnson commented 9 years ago

I sent Norman an edited version of his draft, and also suggested that he include more description of his own art.