artshumrc / giza

JSON API (for TMS Database) and Django 2 application for Digital Giza
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Publish Image Button #100

Open ColeDCrawford opened 3 years ago

ColeDCrawford commented 3 years ago

In our early design meetings we had mentioned that each image needs to have a button that generates an email back to the original copyright-holding museum (Vienna, Turin, Berkeley, etc.) requesting info/permission to publish. This was part of our design meetings and understood as a feature requiring Mirador installation first, before we could implement it. Nick had sent a reminder to everyone last March 26, along with a list of urls/contact info for all owner institutions, so that it would be in hand when needed.

ColeDCrawford commented 3 years ago

DigitalGiza Media_Institutional contacts.xlsx

From Nick in 3/26 email:

Hi Rashmi, Cole, and Luke,

Attached is information for a Digital Giza item that was designated early on as having to wait until after Mirador implementation for consideration. As with the old Giza Archives Project site, users with commercial or high-res image requests have to contact the image owners for necessary permissions and licensing. The old site accomplished this with links on each individual image view page, which read: "Click here to order a publication quality version of this image" and "Click here to download a study copy of this image." Example:

With the expansion of institutional holdings in the Giza Project's archive now, there are correspondingly more contacts than the Giza Archives site viewer had to manage. The attached spreadsheet contains the contact info (e-mails & URLs) for the TMS Media Module's "Departments" field (and Authority Table), which indicates image ownership.

With Digital Giza's shift to a more public friendly site, link text (if needed in a Mirador scenario) are probably clearer as: "Click here to download a standard quality version of this image, for personal, study, or educational use." "Click here to order a publication quality version of this image, for either academic/educational or commercial use."

We don't know what exactly this means to the back-end or Mirador itself as the delivery/viewing solution, but are distributing the necessary information for when it's ultimately needed.

npicardo commented 3 years ago

Since the roster of institutions (and the variety of contact vehicles - both email and URL based) has expanded since the MFA days, would it be easier/simplest to forego giving users a pre-filled e-mail "template" and instead just have (for URL contacts) a pop-up webpage and (for email contacts) a pop-up pre-addressed (but blank-bodied body) e-mail window? The majority of users should be able to take it from there.

lukehollis commented 3 years ago

Hi @ColeDCrawford @npicardo @pmanuelian, just following up on this from email where Nick and Peter mention possibly using the native Mirador rights section for this. Would it be possible to use that?

rsinghal commented 3 years ago

There are no native Mirador rights. That text needs to be put in the manifest to display in Mirador. So I need that information if it is the same for all images or put into TMS that I can pull for each image.