artshumrc / giza

JSON API (for TMS Database) and Django 2 application for Digital Giza
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Media search quirk - not all renditions returned with partial rendition number #70

Open npicardo opened 5 years ago

npicardo commented 5 years ago

Found by Peter: On the website, simple search for two photos by partial rendition number:

Search 1: A7610 Expected results: HUMFA_A7610_NS; HUMFA_A7610P_ann_NS; Search 2: A7611 Expected results HUMFA_A7611_NS; HUMFA_A7611P_ann_NS).

In both searches, the _ann_NS renditions are not returned.
Searching for those individually with "A7610P" & "A7611P" also yields no results.

However, all four renditions are included in linked media for a relevant Site record (Lepsius 77).