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As new to angular — work through stackblitz hosted offical ecommerce angular demo app — so that you are aware of some basics #9

Open sumeetpareek opened 3 years ago

sumeetpareek commented 3 years ago

Here is the demo app to work through:


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sumeetpareek commented 3 years ago

Things learned

how can you get temp working data? by exporting structured json array, as constant, in typescript file like products.ts, and importing it in any component.

what are different visual cues for attribute, event/callback, and directive in component html?


what are OOP basics? component class, properties, methods, decorators, "importing from modules", etc.

how can parent pass data to child component? by attribute in html of child mention in parent, where child has @input decorator to get data

how can child tell parent an event happend? by @Output decorator and new EventEmitter() that parent can mention in html of child embedding, and define functions to take action on that event