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[RFC] Add button haptic feedback dependency `react-native-haptic-feedback` #3879

Closed pvinis closed 3 years ago

pvinis commented 3 years ago



New Dependency

Name: react-native-haptic-feedback URL:


A React Native module that allows you to use haptic feedback, which can be added to button taps for a more ios-native feel, as well as to events for success/failure like our Motion Guidelines suggest.

It uses the taptic engine on ios, and small vibrations on android.

An example of how to use it can be found here.

Check List


The only real alternative seems to be Expo's Haptics (docs, code), but we would need to add Expo's unimodules support. Not too bad, but it's a whole extra thing that I'd like to avoid for now. If in the future we could use many of Expo's unimodules, we can add it then.

admbtlr commented 3 years ago

👍 I've used this module and it has never been problematic

pvinis commented 3 years ago

Resolving this RFC as accepted.

Next steps