artsy / emission

⚠️ Deprecated repo, moved to artsy/eigen ➡️ React Native Components
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Unnecessary "View All" button for current lot standings #486

Open ashfurrow opened 7 years ago

ashfurrow commented 7 years ago

Reported in Hockey.

asset png

Tapping "View All" causes a crash.

ashfurrow commented 7 years ago

Crash is caused by a sale with no close date, in Eigen. Thought I had fixed that already...

ashfurrow commented 7 years ago

Okay, I'll fix the crash, but emission really shouldn't assume auctions have more lots that can be displayed (this auction had one). I'll get to it when I can, unless someone jumps in :wink:

sarahscott commented 7 years ago

@ashfurrow has this been resolved?

orta commented 7 years ago

I think this is referring to a generic case where the feed item implies there are more artworks, but there aren't and thus the 'view all' button should be removed