artsy / garner

A set of Rack middleware and cache helpers that implement various caching strategies.
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@fancyremarker => Modify garnered_find to accept multiple arguments #63

Closed mzikherman closed 10 years ago

mzikherman commented 10 years ago

Modifies garnered_find to accept a splat to match the API of Mongoid's find .

You can now call Artist.garnered_find('andy-warhol','pablo-picasso') or Artist.garnered_find(['andy-warhol','pablo-picasso'])

I think this is a straightforward fix except for the following cases:

Artist.find('andy-warhol')  # Returns single object
Artist.find(['andy-warhol'])  # Returns an array of a single object

In these cases, the return type should match what was passed in. I couldn't figure out a great way to figure out from *args what the original arguments were, thus:

That has the effect of properly returning an array of one (containing the object), vs the object itself (matching find).

dblock commented 10 years ago

This looks great. Could you please update CHANGELOG, too (add a Next Release). Thanks.

fancyremarker commented 10 years ago

Thanks a ton for this! It looks great, with the small exception of the case of cache freshness on Mongoid.garnered_find(["m1", "m2"]), per my comment. Can you verify that with a test?

mzikherman commented 10 years ago

So, the specific issue in failed as a spec here: with my changes.

Digging in it seems that "m1" and ["m1"] was is binding to the same key, so explicitly adding a value when a singular object is passed as an array was the only way I saw to fix (w/o going into how they get generated- which I will do later today if I have time). This fix now seems kind of kludgy. What do you think?

fancyremarker commented 10 years ago

Great work @mzikherman, and excellent spec reproducing the error.

I agree with you that any fix necessitates passing in different keys depending on whether garnered_find was called with array arguments (e.g., ["m1"]) versus single object arguments (e.g., "m1"). One way to make the solution less kludgy is to just use the actual arguments passed in as the key. So, instead of keying both key({ :array => true }) and key({ :source => :garnered_find }), we could just do a single key({ :garnered_find_args => args }). Something like this:

def self.garnered_find(*args)
  identity =
  args.flatten.each do |arg|
    binding = identify(arg)
    identity = identity.bind(binding)
  identity.key({ :garnered_find_args => args }) do

Would that work here?

mzikherman commented 10 years ago

Great call on the keys @fancyremarker . Rather than including the semi-arbitrary :array => true or :source => :garnered_find , we have the args right there and we might as well include them. That also solves the 'special case' of an array of one item vs an item itself cleanly. I just pushed an update to the PR that incorporates this- I'd love your feedback. I can of course rebase/squash if and when this might be mergeable.

fancyremarker commented 10 years ago

@mzikherman: This looks great. See my comment; I'd like to hear your thoughts as I may be mistaken. Also, no need to rebase/squash. Better to keep the context for our conversation intact, IMO.

mzikherman commented 10 years ago

I'm still a little bit confused as to the need for flatten. Could you clarify a bit more and I'll try to write a spec? Just pushed a spec that find only gets called once when garnered_find called on an array of one object - is that what you meant?

fancyremarker commented 10 years ago

The need for flatten comes when you have a single array argument with N members, instead of N arguments. Consider the following:

garnered_find("foo", "bar") yields

# args = ["foo", "bar"]

# within args.each loop...
binding = identify("foo")
identity = identity.bind(binding)

binding = identify("bar")
identity = identity.bind(binding)

While garnered_find(["foo", "bar"]) yields

# args = [["foo", "bar"]]

# within args.each loop...
binding = identify(["foo", "bar"])
identity = identity.bind(binding)

identify(["foo", "bar"]) won't resolve to a valid proxy_binding, since the array isn't a valid ID or slug, and thus won't have a garner_cache_key, which means it can't be cached.

Does that help explain things at all?

mzikherman commented 10 years ago

Ah yes, it does. I just pushed a trivial spec that sure enough has find being called twice on foo in your example- indicating not caching when called with an array, and correctly with flatten (which makes total sense now- thanks!).

mzikherman commented 10 years ago

Yea, that seems totally obvious now, dont know how I didn't get that.

fancyremarker commented 10 years ago

Thanks @mzikherman, merging. Want to cut and release a new gem version?

mzikherman commented 10 years ago

AWESOME!! I've never done that before but would love to.