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Open source Eigen #11

Closed orta closed 9 years ago

orta commented 9 years ago

meejah commented 9 years ago

I would "git init" a new repo for the public stuff, and developers may add the private stuff as a separate remote if/when you need to merge things in or whatever (add it as "private" or "danger" or something ;)

Doing some basic sanitizing on the private one seems like a good idea as well ("git filter-branch" being your best friend here -- and the tree-filter is a fast way to delete things).

If you remember to always "git merge --squash" when bringing things from private -> public you will reduce your chances of accidentally bringing in a bunch of commits from private that you didn't mean to. "--squash" always makes a new commit.

orta commented 9 years ago

Thanks, another idea I had around this was that the main repo could be public, but that our personal forks e.g. orta/eigen or 1aurabrown/eigen are private. Thus a private few PRs could go internal within a fork, and then get released to artsy/eigen & the world when whatever constraints have kept it private are finished.

chriseidhof commented 9 years ago

For, we have an articles repo and an articles-private. This works really well. But neither one contains "private" information, just things that are not open to the public yet.

orta commented 9 years ago
