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Deal with CI issues #17

Closed orta closed 8 years ago

orta commented 9 years ago


ashfurrow commented 9 years ago

If we could use something that allowed us to use pre-release versions of Xcode, that would help me with Eidolon wrt Swift improvements.

orta commented 9 years ago

For anyone that’s interested, I think I found an answer to my Xcode 6 + CI woes via this blog post: We recently migrated an older Jenkins C.I. server over to a newer...

andrewsardone [10:29 PM] When running Jenkins on your CI Mac, the key is to not only start up Jenkins as a LaunchAgent (so it can connect to your GUI iOS simulator), but also make sure your LaunchAgent is properly configured

andrewsardone [10:29 PM] i.e., do not set the SessionCreate key to true in your plist. In fact, completely omit that

andrewsardone [10:30 PM] Apparently if you omit SessionCreate, the launch agent will “[use] the global bootstrap namespace” – TN2083: Describes the most common problems encountered with daemons and agents, and suggests detailed solutions.

andrewsardone [10:30 PM] I suppose this is what allows the process to connect to the logged in user’s GUI and iOS Simulator

andrewsardone [10:31 PM] either way, with xctool this is seemingly proving to be more reliable than Travis CI, but it’s too early to tell

andrewsardone [10:31 PM] I like Travis CI, but for this project I’d like to get Jenkins working more reliably for some added capability (e.g., build artifacts)

ashfurrow commented 8 years ago

Should we close this? Seems like we've settled on Travis/Circle.

orta commented 8 years ago

yeah, I'm not going iOSDevOps.