artsy / mobile

Mobile Team TODO
84 stars 11 forks source link

Create a tool that fails CI based on the PR itself #31

Closed orta closed 8 years ago

orta commented 9 years ago

So, you'd write a DSL which is given a few ivars e.g: lines_of_code, pr_url, number_of_commits, files_modified, files_added, files_removed


if (lines_of_code > 20) && (files_modified.includes? "CHANGELING.yml" == false) {
    fail "needs to have a changelog note for large changes"

if (files_added.length > 2) && (files_modified.includes? "ARAppDelegate+Analytics" == false)  {
    warn "You may want analytics"
neonichu commented 9 years ago

CHANGELING.yml :heart_eyes_cat:

orta commented 9 years ago

best kinds of YANIMALS

getaaron commented 9 years ago

Should < be >?

orta commented 9 years ago

I don't really care about the actual code in there, it's just pseudo code to demonstrate the potential idea.

orta commented 8 years ago

This can be grabbed now in:

orta commented 8 years ago

Talked it over with Danger, she thinks it should be called Columbo, and be that "one more thing" thing, with one of these GIFs. Given that there's already a ruby gem called columbo, I'll use brew and write in swift. Only wish there was a dependency manager that could do swift command line tools.

ashfurrow commented 8 years ago

Nice – good idea! I'd suggest running it early in the CI process so that it fails quickly.

orta commented 8 years ago

Would be nice to mix with

orta commented 8 years ago

This has started development at

ashfurrow commented 8 years ago

orta commented 8 years ago


orta commented 8 years ago

This is definitely good enough. Long live danger.