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Minimum Viable Programmer #34

Closed ashfurrow closed 8 years ago

ashfurrow commented 9 years ago

What is it, in our opinion?

alloy commented 9 years ago

Someone with a good dose of critical thinking (ask seemingly naive questions to get to the root of an issue, embrace critique, logical reasoning about how a program works at an abstract level).

My personal experience is that the actual act of programming can then follow easily. Mainstream programming (web/mobile) isn’t that hard and doesn’t require CS etc imo.

ashfurrow commented 9 years ago

Agreed. This issue came from the context of a Coalition for Queens curriculum meeting. Given a very limited amount of time, what skills should be taught to make them a good candidate for a job based on their potential?

In other words, consider that someone already has those qualities you outlined. What actual skills could they be taught to get them a job as a junior dev? Should they be familiar with the command line? Git? TDD? REST? Anything at all?

I think we agree that hiring someone without any programming experience would be a solid choice if they did display those characteristics. What I guess I'm asking is, what minimum set of skills qualify someone to call themselves a "programmer"?

orta commented 9 years ago


ashfurrow commented 9 years ago

Makes sense.

dbgrandi commented 8 years ago

I started a draft of the same post based on notes I had from the C4Q meeting. Would appreciate any feedback if you have the time.

orta commented 8 years ago

Dave got it shipped :+1: