artsy / mobile

Mobile Team TODO
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Application(s) strategy #35

Closed alloy closed 9 years ago

alloy commented 9 years ago


After talking with @orta and @katarinabatina over the past months, it’s becoming more and more clear to me that the current approach of trying to essentially replicate the Artsy platform in a native application doesn’t scale very well.

We’re often just playing catch-up with changes on the web apps and because we’re dealing with native code, these changes often take more time to implement than on the web. This means that there’s little time to actually work on awesome features for our users that would only be possible in a native app.

Besides that is also the issue that the web app can be updated and deployed immediately, whereas the native app has to deal with the App Store review time, making this an even more painful experience.

My suggestion is the following:



alloy commented 9 years ago

If this sounds like an option, I would like to devote some time this sprint to play with WKWebView to see what it’s possibilities for this would be and create a simple prototype.

katarinabatina commented 9 years ago

Hi @alloy, thanks for the thorough look into the possibilities here.

While the pros seem valid in this strategy the ultimate con is giving our 200,000+ mobile users a downgraded experience. On that note, I am fairly confident that what we imagine for a collector-focused app is much closer to what we have in eigen now and therefore I am far more interested in in migrating current eigen in that direction. The fear is loosing our collector audience who are already using eigen to power their collecting experiences.

I would hope, as you mentioned that eigen as a collecting app would cease to chase the web but instead work towards building a fully native experiences. Let's chat more today if you have time.

ashfurrow commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I'm of two minds on this. @alloy does a great job of listing the pros and cons that concern me, and @katarina raises an excellent point. I think this underscores the importance of chatting about the direction of our apps in general. For example, porting to Android is important, but what will that app look like? Would it be eigen as it is today or eigen for collectors?

Exciting times!

katarinabatina commented 9 years ago

I would say Android is important for sure but I feel less strongly about putting efforts towards it until we've really delivered on a strong mobile strategy in iOS

alloy commented 9 years ago

the ultimate con is giving our 200,000+ mobile users a downgraded experience

Definitely agreed.

orta commented 9 years ago

On that note, I am fairly confident that what we imagine for a collector-focused app is much closer to what we have in eigen now and therefore I am far more interested in in migrating current eigen in that direction. The fear is loosing our collector audience who are already using eigen to power their collecting experiences.

This feels weird to me, are you thinking of transitioning the current eigen app to this? It's focus has been on exploring the art world, and I'd be really put off if I wasn't a collector and suddenly the app had pivoted to mainly buying art.

katarinabatina commented 9 years ago

@orta it is a tough choice but it's important from a business standpoint that we capture our collector base already on the app.

orta commented 9 years ago

We talked this though, and we're in agreement on the direction :dancers:

alloy commented 9 years ago
