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Accept remote developers #6

Closed esttorhe closed 9 years ago

esttorhe commented 9 years ago

You should seriously consider hiring remote developers; let's say; I don't know, from Costa Rica maybe… Giphy

KrauseFx commented 9 years ago


orta commented 9 years ago

We have remote devs, I'm very often out of town (and was remote for 2 years ) and @ashfurrow has been remote for 6+ months now.

But we trend towards getting people on-site. Being remote in a purely tech company is probably a lot easier, but there's a lot of non-technical people at Artsy that you interact with on a day to day basis. You miss a lot of context not being in the city. You don't go to art fairs, openings, shows or auctions. You miss interacting with the actual customers you're building things for and you miss out a bunch of really cool company culture. Good people have left because they felt that because they didn't win the VISA lottery, So we ask people to move.

But on the topic of your application, it's on my TODO for next week, and I'll be dealing with that less publicly ;)