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Remote People #63

Open ashfurrow opened 9 years ago

ashfurrow commented 9 years ago

We do some pretty cool remote working things that would be awesome to share with the rest of the company, and the rest of the world :earth_africa: For example, I kind of didn't realize it, but at this moment, we happen to be a completely distributed team. Jory's in his Island Fortress ⛵️ , Sarah and I are working from separate boroughs :statue_of_liberty: , Orta's in :gb: and Alloy's on a houseboat 🇳🇱.

Timehop have done some really neat things around remote work, and they're literally downstairs. Maybe we could talk to them, too.

We should think how this happened, why it works, how to improve it, and how to package all that info up in a consumable way for others at Artsy and beyond :gift:

orta commented 9 years ago

nice use of labels + interlinking with some previous ideas

joeyAghion commented 9 years ago


Tell me more about this island fortress.

ashfurrow commented 8 years ago

Could be worth talking with @alloy and @mennenia about this in a month or so.

mennenia commented 8 years ago


mennenia commented 8 years ago

I liked a lot of the ideas in #32 as well, especially around having some sort of demo hour. I'll probably have more ideas in 1-2 weeks or so ^_^.

orta commented 8 years ago

mennenia commented 8 years ago

Buffer also made:

mennenia commented 8 years ago

Very interesting article on time management also. I often try and follow what's mentioned - get a good chunk of work done earlier in the week. I often also like to dedicate the mornings to code, which wasn't very possible until now. I'm actually hoping the time difference will work quite well for this. Mornings NYC will be asleep, so I should get a decent amount of uninterrupted development time, and then have plenty of time in the afternoons for meetings, without having to stay up till 10pm, if HQ were to be in SF. (yay for NYC!)

skywinder commented 8 years ago

Cool! 👍 let's get more inspiration to white collar dev's! 😉

jcampbell05 commented 8 years ago

I would love some kind of open source ebook that all you guys could maybe contribute to and continue to improve as you get better at remote.

So all the rest of us thinking about implementing in their own companies have a guide to go to :)!.

mennenia commented 8 years ago

Another great thing is, a newsletter for remote workers which Orta shared a while back. I've found it containing some really great articles! :)

orta commented 8 years ago