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Colour palette for Artsy OSS (general / mobile projects) #82

Open mennenia opened 8 years ago

mennenia commented 8 years ago

@owendodd already made an initial amazing colour palette.

screen_shot_2016-02-14_at_8 45 07_pm_720

I'd like to add some lighter and darker shades for contrast, finalise it, and ship it.

mennenia commented 8 years ago

So I added some midtones to this palette, and also captured the light blue and light yellow from the gradient. Here they are on different backgrounds:

scheme_on_white scheme_on_grey scheme_on_dark

The idea is that the blues and greys are the colours you can do most things with (the midtones are useful for flat dropshadows etc), and the colours are there for contrast and interest.

Thoughts? @owendodd specifically?

owendodd commented 8 years ago

Looks good!! I think maybe just a few minor tweaks and it should be good to go.

The orange feels a bit too intense to me, I think if it was a bit more yellow it would feel more inline with the default gradient. Maybe #FBD756 and #FBECBA would work well?

and then the blues seem a touch too intense to me in the keynote template when used as backgrounds. Could we switch those to #5FDDF7 #B4F6FC (Dark and mid)

Let me know if those updates are alright with you!

mennenia commented 8 years ago

Here's a look at the updates visualised:

screen shot 2016-03-11 at 11 24 51

I love the blues! They're so perfect now.

I do feel that the bright orange (which is now bright yellow) is a bit too yellow? Maybe making it slightly warmer again? Maybe #FAC855? (top right below)

screen shot 2016-03-11 at 11 26 43
mennenia commented 8 years ago

Okay! @owendodd has signed this off :tada:, so I will:

owendodd commented 8 years ago
