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Refusing to add a new unknown party #60

Open BergFulton opened 9 years ago

BergFulton commented 9 years ago

working on 1012440 and can't add parties.

Provenance from KE is weak, should read (so far) Clodion [1738-1814]. Jacques Langlier, until April 1786; (sold at Hotel de Buillion, Paris, France, on April 24, 1786) [1]; Jean-Baptiste-Pierre Lebrun [1748-1813], Paris, France, until April 11, 1791; (Jean-Baptiste-Pierre Lebrun sale, on April 11, 1791, lot 361); Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York, NY. NOTES:1. This work listed as "Une vestale en terre cuite, petit modele de la figure que cet artiste a exécuté en marble, pour l'Impératrice de Russie." This refers to a marble version of this work that Clodion completed possibly for Catherine the Great. The National Gallery of Art owns a marble version of this sculpture containing provenance from Catherine the Great, accession number 1952.5.99, titled "Vestal".

I need to insert a party (at least one) before Parke-Bernet, and us afterward of course.