Closed finviman closed 5 years ago
Similar issue happening to me, buth with completor.vim instead of deoplete. When I start writing anything into buffer, my cursor jumps to almost top of the file (to like last 2 imports). completor.vim is probably periodicaly or on text change calling the omnicomplete function of JavaComplete, but that jumping is really weird. It restores cursor original position when I exit insert mode.
I also have the same problem using deoplete and vim-javacomplete2. Environment: Ubuntu distribution Neovim 2.0.0
Same issue Neovim v0.2.1 on Arch Linux, newest javacomplete2.
Same issue
vim8 and deoplete
Actual behavior (Required!)
i use vim-javacomplete2 and deoplete, so the candidate menu auto popup when i press dot. if the line i edit at the top or bottom of the screen, the line will jump to the middle of the screen when the candidate menu pop up.
Expected behavior (Required!)
stick at where it was.
The steps to reproduce actual behavior (Required!)
Environment (Required!)