arturadib / agility

Javascript MVC for the "write less, do more" programmer
MIT License
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JSHINT is not defined ( when running core_only.html test ) #39

Closed tristanls closed 13 years ago

tristanls commented 13 years ago

Steps to duplicate:

  1. follow instructions in test/ by pointing browser to http://localhost/agility/test/core_only.html


JSHint: JSHint (1, 0, 1)Rerun Died on test #1: JSHINT is not defined - { "arguments": [ "JSHINT" ], "type": "not_defined", "message": "JSHINT is not defined", "stack": "ReferenceError: JSHINT is not defined at Object. (file:///Users/seed/github/agility/test/public/core.js:13:18) at (file:///Users/seed/github/agility/test/public/qunit.js:104:18) at file:///Users/seed/github/agility/test/public/qunit.js:234:10 at process (file:///Users/seed/github/agility/test/public/qunit.js:867:23) at file:///Users/seed/github/agility/test/public/qunit.js:410:5", "name": "ReferenceError" }