After restarting HA the following error message appears in the HA eventlog:
Invalid config for [media_player.samsungtv_custom]: [token] is an invalid option for [media_player.samsungtv_custom]. Check: media_player.samsungtv_custom->token. (See ?, line ?).
Hi there,
I copied the master branche in config\custom_components\samsungtv_custom and added the below config to configuration.yaml
Token creation is succesfull
After restarting HA the following error message appears in the HA eventlog:
Invalid config for [media_player.samsungtv_custom]: [token] is an invalid option for [media_player.samsungtv_custom]. Check: media_player.samsungtv_custom->token. (See ?, line ?).
any idea?