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[Collections\in?] add new `.key` option? #1373

Open github-actions[bot] opened 10 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 10 months ago

[Collections\in?] add new .key option? same as with contains?

                let s = toSeq(x.o.objectValues)

    # Predicates

    # TODO(Collections\contains?) add new `.key` option?
    #  this would allow us to check whether the given dictionary contains a specific key
    #  instead of a value, which is the default way `contains?` works right now with dictionaries
    #  labels: library, enhancement, open discussion
    builtin "contains?",
        alias       = unaliased,
        op          = opNop,
        rule        = PrefixPrecedence,
        description = "check if collection contains given value",
        args        = {
            "collection": {String, Block, Range, Dictionary, Object},
            "value"     : {Any}
        attrs       = {
            "at"    : ({Integer}, "check at given location within collection"),
            "deep"    : ({Logical}, "searches recursively in deep for a value.")
        returns     = {Logical},
        example     = """
            arr: [1 2 3 4]

            contains? arr 5             ; => false
            contains? arr 2             ; => true
            user: #[
                name: "John"
                surname: "Doe"

            contains? dict "John"       ; => true
            contains? dict "Paul"       ; => false

            contains? keys dict "name"  ; => true
            contains? "hello" "x"       ; => false
            contains? "hello" `h`       ; => true
            contains?.at:1 "hello" "el" ; => true
            contains?.at:4 "hello" `o`  ; => true
            print contains?.at:2 ["one" "two" "three"] "two"
            ; false

            print contains?.at:1 ["one" "two" "three"] "two"
            ; true
            print contains?.deep [1 2 4 [3 4 [5 6] 7] 8 [9 10]] 6
            ; true
            user: #[ 
                name: "John" surname: "Doe"
                mom: #[ name: "Jane" surname: "Doe" ]

            print contains?.deep user "Jane"
            ; true
            if checkAttr("at"):
                let at = aAt.i
                case xKind:
                    of String:
                        if yKind == Regex:
                            push(newLogical(x.s.contains(y.rx, at)))
                        elif yKind == Char:
                            push(newLogical(toRunes(x.s)[at] == y.c))
                            push(newLogical(x.s.continuesWith(y.s, at)))
                    of Block:
                        push(newLogical(x.a[at] == y))
                    of Range:
                        push(newLogical(x.rng[at] == y))
                    of Dictionary:
                        let values = toSeq(x.d.values)
                        push(newLogical(values[at] == y))
                    of Object:
                        if unlikely(x.magic.fetch(ContainsQM)):
                            pushAttr("at", aAt)
                            mgk(@[x, y]) # already pushes value
                            let values = toSeq(x.o.values)
                            push(newLogical(values[at] == y))
                case xKind:
                    of String:
                        if yKind == Regex:
                        elif yKind == Char:
                            push(newLogical($(y.c) in x.s))
                            push(newLogical(y.s in x.s))
                    of Block:
                        if hadAttr("deep"):
                            push newLogical(x.a.inNestedBlock(y))
                            push(newLogical(y in x.a))
                    of Range:
                        push(newLogical(y in x.rng))
                    of Dictionary:
                        if hadAttr("deep"):
                            let values: ValueArray = x.d.getValuesinDeep()
                            push newLogical(y in values)
                            let values = toSeq(x.d.values)
                            push(newLogical(y in values))
                    of Object:
                        if unlikely(x.magic.fetch(ContainsQM)):
                            if hadAttr("deep"):
                                pushAttr("deep", VTRUE)

                            mgk(@[x, y]) # already pushes value
                            if hadAttr("deep"):
                                let values: ValueArray = x.o.getValuesinDeep()
                                push newLogical(y in values)
                                let values = toSeq(x.o.values)
                                push(newLogical(y in values))

    builtin "empty?",
        alias       = unaliased,
        op          = opNop,
        rule        = PrefixPrecedence,
        description = "check if given collection is empty",
        args        = {
            "collection": {String, Block, Dictionary, Null}
        attrs       = NoAttrs,
        returns     = {Logical},
        example     = """
            empty? ""             ; => true
            empty? []             ; => true
            empty? #[]            ; => true

            empty? [1 "two" 3]    ; => false
            case xKind:
                of Null: push(VTRUE)
                of String: push(newLogical(x.s == ""))
                of Block:
                    push(newLogical(x.a.len == 0))
                of Dictionary: push(newLogical(x.d.len == 0))
                else: discard

    # TODO(Collections\in?) add new `.key` option?
    #  same as with `contains?`
    #  labels: library, enhancement, open discussion
    builtin "in?",
        alias       = unaliased,
        op          = opNop,
        rule        = PrefixPrecedence,
        description = "check if value exists in given collection",
        args        = {
            "value"     : {Any},
            "collection": {String, Block, Range, Dictionary, Object}
        attrs       = {
            "at"    : ({Integer}, "check at given location within collection"),
            "deep"    : ({Logical}, "searches recursively in deep for a value.")
        returns     = {Logical},
        example     = """
            arr: [1 2 3 4]

            in? 5 arr             ; => false
            in? 2 arr             ; => true
            user: #[
                name: "John"
                surname: "Doe"

            in? "John" dict       ; => true
            in? "Paul" dict       ; => false

            in? "name" keys dict  ; => true
            in? "x" "hello"       ; => false
            in? `h` "hello"       ; => true
            in?.at:1 "el" "hello" ; => true
            in?.at:4 `o` "hello"  ; => true
            print in?.at:2 "two" ["one" "two" "three"]
            ; false

            print in?.at:1 "two" ["one" "two" "three"]
            ; true
            print in?.deep 6 [1 2 4 [3 4 [5 6] 7] 8 [9 10]]
            ; true
            user: #[ 
                name: "John" surname: "Doe"
                mom: #[ name: "Jane" surname: "Doe" ]

            print in?.deep "Jane" user
            ; true
            if checkAttr("at"):
                let at = aAt.i
                case yKind:
                    of String:
                        if xKind == Regex:
                            push(newLogical(y.s.contains(x.rx, at)))
                        elif xKind == Char:
                            push(newLogical(toRunes(y.s)[at] == x.c))
                            push(newLogical(y.s.continuesWith(x.s, at)))
                    of Block:
                        push(newLogical(y.a[at] == x))
                    of Range:
                        push(newLogical(y.rng[at] == x))
                    of Dictionary:
                        let values = toSeq(y.d.values)
                        push(newLogical(values[at] == x))
                    of Object:
                        if unlikely(x.magic.fetch(ContainsQM)):
                            pushAttr("at", aAt)
                            mgk(@[y, x]) # already pushes value
                            let values = toSeq(y.o.values)
                            push(newLogical(values[at] == x))
                case yKind:
                    of String:
                        if xKind == Regex:
                        elif xKind == Char:
                            push(newLogical($(x.c) in y.s))
                            push(newLogical(x.s in y.s))
                    of Block:
                        if hadAttr("deep"):
                            push newLogical(y.a.inNestedBlock(x))
                            push(newLogical(x in y.a))
                    of Range:
                        push(newLogical(x in y.rng))
                    of Dictionary:
                        if hadAttr("deep"):
                            let values: ValueArray = y.d.getValuesinDeep()
                            push newLogical(x in values)
                            let values = toSeq(y.d.values)
                            push(newLogical(x in values))
                    of Object:
                        if unlikely(x.magic.fetch(ContainsQM)):
                            if hadAttr("deep"):
                                pushAttr("deep", VTRUE)

                            mgk(@[y, x]) # already pushes value
                            if hadAttr("deep"):
                                let values: ValueArray = y.o.getValuesinDeep()
                                push newLogical(x in values)
                                let values = toSeq(y.o.values)
                                push(newLogical(x in values))

    builtin "key?",
        alias       = unaliased,
        op          = opNop,
        rule        = PrefixPrecedence,
        description = "check if collection contains given key",
        args        = {
            "collection": {Dictionary, Object},
            "key"       : {Any}
        attrs       = NoAttrs,
        returns     = {Logical},
        example     = """
            user: #[
                name: "John"
                surname: "Doe"

            key? user 'age            ; => false
            if key? user 'name [
                print ["Hello" user\name]
            ; Hello John
            var needle: string
            if yKind == String: needle = y.s
            else: needle = $(y)

            if xKind == Dictionary:
                if unlikely(x.magic.fetch(KeyQM)):
                    mgk(@[x, y]) # already pushes value

    builtin "one?",
        alias       = unaliased, 
        op          = opNop,
        rule        = PrefixPrecedence,
        description = "check if given number or collection size is one",
        args        = {
            "number"    : {Integer,Floating,String,Block,Range,Dictionary,Null},
        attrs       = NoAttrs,
        returns     = {Logical},
        example     = """
            one? 5              ; => false
            one? 4-3            ; => true
            one? 1.0            ; => true
            one? 0.0            ; => false
            items: ["apple"]
            one? items          ; => true

            items: [1 2 3]
            one? items          ; => false
            one? ø              ; => false
            case xKind:
                of Integer:
                    if x.iKind == BigInteger:
                        when defined(WEB):
                        elif not defined(NOGMP):
                        push(newLogical(x.i == 1))
                of Floating:
                    push(newLogical(x.f == 1.0))
                of String:
                    push(newLogical(runeLen(x.s) == 1))
                of Block:
                    push(newLogical(x.a.len == 1))
                of Range:
                    push(newLogical(x.rng.len == 1))
                of Dictionary:
                    push(newLogical(x.d.len == 1))

    # TODO(Collections\sorted?) doesn't work properly
    #  it should work in an identical way as `sort`
    #  labels: library, enhancement
    builtin "sorted?",
        alias       = unaliased,
        op          = opNop,
        rule        = PrefixPrecedence,
        description = "check if given collection is already sorted",
        args        = {
            "collection": {Block}
        attrs       = {
            "descending": ({Logical}, "check for sorting in ascending order")
        returns     = {Logical},
        example     = """
            sorted? [1 2 3 4 5]         ; => true
            sorted? [4 3 2 1 5]         ; => false
            sorted? [5 4 3 2 1]         ; => false
            sorted?.descending [5 4 3 2 1]      ; => true
            sorted?.descending [4 3 2 1 5]      ; => false
            sorted?.descending [1 2 3 4 5]      ; => false
            var ascending = true

            if (hadAttr("descending")):
                ascending = false

            push newLogical(isSorted(x.a, ascending = ascending))

    builtin "zero?",
        alias       = unaliased, 
        op          = opNop,
        rule        = PrefixPrecedence,
        description = "check if given number or collection size is zero",
        args        = {
            "number"    : {Integer,Floating,String,Block,Range,Dictionary,Null},
        attrs       = NoAttrs,
        returns     = {Logical},
        example     = """
            zero? 5-5           ; => true
            zero? 4             ; => false
            zero? 1.0           ; => false
            zero? 0.0           ; => true
            items: [1 2 3]
            zero? items         ; => false    

            items: []
            zero? items         ; => true


stale[bot] commented 2 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.